Teatales's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
huh what will that do? put the numbers up in a list?

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
busy trying to ind all th numbres lol thought I hdad saved the bingo ccard with the umbers on the side yesterday.. but nopes..

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Velvet would there be a lactosefree buttercream + cake for us lactoseintolerant unfortunate people?
@boss rimi: ys there are only two bigger store who sells laptops but they are usual not seling insurance along with it. * feels my brain beiginningto stres with catching up to this chat as my left side of the body has started to fail me * x.x * and else the only ones with electronics are the type of stores that are ocated in the iddle of nowhere so you need a car to get there case no busses go anywhere near there.. ... Just like Ikea stores tbh..
@boss rimi: ys there are only two bigger store who sells laptops but they are usual not seling insurance along with it. * feels my brain beiginningto stres with catching up to this chat as my left side of the body has started to fail me * x.x * and else the only ones with electronics are the type of stores that are ocated in the iddle of nowhere so you need a car to get there case no busses go anywhere near there.. ... Just like Ikea stores tbh..

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@lithinel: Im not sure if those sites would allow one from an european country to do surveys. But I do some surveys for a danish survey thing whre we get tickets eaach time to win a laptop or phone. or other stuff * but im mostlly sighting on the phone * if ou wanna recommend can yoy perhaps do it in pm oim on my way to bed now its like 2.40 am here dont wwant to end up first falling asleep aroun 5 aam as I've done the other days... i absolutely hate being up past 3 am as I had my first epileptic seixures that came before my strokes between 4.30 am and 5 am one night. anxiety suck too though. I just survive on wellfare so far. just suck that the poliicans seems to want to take even more of our ellfare money because '' people on wellfare are just lazy '' <- quote from one of the high standing politicans I absolutely cant take.. yeah late brain damage + apergers = terible combi when it comes to jobs.

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: since february 2013.. Bought it as the very last laptop in the store ( a store that closed all over the country 2 years ago.. which sucks as it was my most favourite place to find new cds or games or films. now we have nowhere to buy such things __ __'

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: haha, the sassy demons was also what got me interested in the series. Definitley not something I regret ys praise the books o/... and hate o slow closing laptops.. its lik when im away form my latop for more than 10 minutes I need to put on some music on yuoube or else it will automatically shut itself down to black screen.
@lithinel: Ah yes, I like funkos and want to own one but currently my focus is on trying to save up money enough to gt to a better apartment in a non ghetto area, as well as paying off my studentloan ( which they demanded more money than else paid back just this month ) and then saving up for a new computer first thn I can think of giving myself funko pops and such things. ( family is not really into gifts and such so usually my gifts at bday and christmas are just some money which goes directly to paying back my loan. X_X Also why I want to open commissions again some time, but again have a fear that people wouldnt buy anything or laugh at my art all that kind of things.. __ __'' If only I was able to get a job, but even that I cant thanks to braindamage from 2 strokes in the brain.
@blinkini doing fine just trying to catch up to th chat here whiel jugglig btween my 65 tabs on my browser.
Are you perhaps feeling a bit lonely in your thread @Vivienne?
@lithinel: Ah yes, I like funkos and want to own one but currently my focus is on trying to save up money enough to gt to a better apartment in a non ghetto area, as well as paying off my studentloan ( which they demanded more money than else paid back just this month ) and then saving up for a new computer first thn I can think of giving myself funko pops and such things. ( family is not really into gifts and such so usually my gifts at bday and christmas are just some money which goes directly to paying back my loan. X_X Also why I want to open commissions again some time, but again have a fear that people wouldnt buy anything or laugh at my art all that kind of things.. __ __'' If only I was able to get a job, but even that I cant thanks to braindamage from 2 strokes in the brain.
@blinkini doing fine just trying to catch up to th chat here whiel jugglig btween my 65 tabs on my browser.
Are you perhaps feeling a bit lonely in your thread @Vivienne?

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: oh yeah I watched the 2nd movie. Not sure what I expected... Was definitly dissappointe,s o was my sister ( we love to find horrors and scary movies we can watch together ) I watched the original with subs, it was times better I must admt, actually managed to scare me a couple times.
I know that feeling, I had it a lot at the start when I watched television w subs after my coma
I know that feeling, I had it a lot at the start when I watched television w subs after my coma

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: havent gone that far yet as im not in my bed but at my laptop and my lapop takes lie 20 minutes to shut down. and im in no hurry tbh as I dont have practicum tomorrow 8D And yes the book is good. It got magic, wizards, politics and sassy demons its the second book in a triology. 8D
@Lithinel: Their hobbitception is great. They also come with recipes in some of their videos. havent tried any of them though as I dont have the measurement cup thingies you use in the US and such. ^^; And no, unfortunately not. My laptop is old as fu, and I doubt it can handle Lotr online, sadly, else I would have tried it out in a heartbeat.
Hiya Vyctor, just geeking a bit of LotR, and listening to Reign on Netflix.. And hope to have enerrgy and creativity tomorrow to clear some space on my table so I can do some digital art. How are you spending your time?
@Lithinel: Their hobbitception is great. They also come with recipes in some of their videos. havent tried any of them though as I dont have the measurement cup thingies you use in the US and such. ^^; And no, unfortunately not. My laptop is old as fu, and I doubt it can handle Lotr online, sadly, else I would have tried it out in a heartbeat.
Hiya Vyctor, just geeking a bit of LotR, and listening to Reign on Netflix.. And hope to have enerrgy and creativity tomorrow to clear some space on my table so I can do some digital art. How are you spending your time?

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: Havet watched dubs, I usually prefer to watch movies in the original language, but cartoons in Denmark are never in original language but always dubbed in danish so havent seen the english lilo & stitch. nor howls moving castle.
And I agree.. The Ring I didn't find scary, only a bit exciting at the time when they open the well... Then more dissappointment. lol.
And I agree.. The Ring I didn't find scary, only a bit exciting at the time when they open the well... Then more dissappointment. lol.

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@boss rimi: I always drink a cup of Earl Grey before going to bed, its part of my 'sleeping ritual' as you might call it. Other part is reading in one of my books or library books. Currenly I'm reading Golems eye by Jonathan Stroud. Though I read a sleeping trick yesterday... like you think of an item with only one of each letter in it, then you find an other item starting with the same letter but still only one of each letter in it. And you keep going on like that. According to a danish sleep-scientist guy people would usually fall asleep around word number 10
@Lithinel: They also have a bookclub of their own. ToRN Bookclub, it used to be a livestream each sunday, but last year if I recall, it changed into a podcast from my understanding.. havent heard the podcast though.. Shuld probably check up on it, but the community is nice.. At least if you avoid the chat, the chat can be pretty rude if you ask me. * still ned to figure out how to get in contact with the staff again to get access to the forums * Have you been watching Happy Hobbit on youtube? .w.
@Lithinel: They also have a bookclub of their own. ToRN Bookclub, it used to be a livestream each sunday, but last year if I recall, it changed into a podcast from my understanding.. havent heard the podcast though.. Shuld probably check up on it, but the community is nice.. At least if you avoid the chat, the chat can be pretty rude if you ask me. * still ned to figure out how to get in contact with the staff again to get access to the forums * Have you been watching Happy Hobbit on youtube? .w.

Posted in Hi! I'm Zenny ☼
Posted 7 years ago
I have no idea what Syndrone is but I suspect an other avatar site.. Welcome to Voltra, none the less! ouo/

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: Oh wow... And I remember The Ring as one of those movies I watched hidden under the table while my brothers watched it xDD

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@lithinel: Its about being consistent( is that the word.?) in drawing, observing and trying to find some courses near you.. My own artskills I got from oserving others styles and experiment a good deal. And hello! Yes indeed it is. Are you on theonering.net or..? Just askin out of curiousity xD * is a member there but apparently the site keeps banning my IP, as my IP keeps changing between two towns because of where my location is in the country *
@boss Rimi: Hi im fine. tying to get myslf sleepy as I should soon get to bed... With no luk though haha. You?
@Blinkini: heya!
@boss Rimi: Hi im fine. tying to get myslf sleepy as I should soon get to bed... With no luk though haha. You?
@Blinkini: heya!

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
*is summoned by the mention of LotR *