Teatales's posts
Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
★ ★ ★
tea there are old people who are eager to hop on new tech and learn too |D just depends on the person then
me sitting on this post waiting for someone to post so i don't triple post
o yeah I know that, some are also way better at catching onto the stuff than others

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Im uusally doing the medium puzzles

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Nooo grost D:

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
My dad only uses his smartphone for caling people and he is very much against everything modern, he can handle televisions and their channels but more than that he refuses to learn.. but allright hes an old man... ( born 1950 ) so its kinda understandable.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: yeap she constany creates new ones also when she dosnt want tobe friends with someone on facebook anymore... this is the 3rd account within this year... she likes the internet for its games and only uses it for that and facebook fro its gamel my sister an I have tried for * mentally remembers when they ot their firt computer with internet * ...16 years to try and teach her how the internet and computers work and she still doesnt get it.. the fact that she is showing signs of alzheimers doenst make her case much betteer.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah my dad is a mumbling type my mom is a mix between mumbling and yelling and constantly think we sit over her shoulders and watch what she does on her phone so that we know what she clicks on when shes playing games she finds on facebook... or when she 'gets hackeed' as she calls ait when she cant remember her passord for ehr fb user and creates a new one... last time that happend was just this morning so now she got 5 acconts .. *facepalms*

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
hopfully that wil also help on his mumbling h have a bad habit of mumbling and hoping we can hear it which is not always the case. ^^;

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
2 new speakers for my dads hearing aids as well as batteries and a bit of wax now he can almost hear again ;)

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
There we go finally the hearing aid guy came

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Ive yet to se any updaes on the cat thread about the cat itself. and noon answers me when I asks how its goijg with the cat, just alks all above my head or ignores me. .__.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Wohoo my dads aggressios towards thm paid off, now a guy should arrive within 15 minutes to check up on the hearing aid, now its just to see if he does arrive * keeps sharp eyes on the door *

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
I don't think I would be able to get even one country from Africa ^^;;
And yes stupid people big time, now they will first send a person to fix his hearing aid in a month
I had some wierd dream of having to make a speech shortly beore some american graduation that I somehow had become a part of.. So I went up on stage, had some weird AF speech about heroes magic and protecting the town from the big giraffe/elephant like monster that was roaming the city.. befre running off of stage, changing into my graduation gown at which point I woke up
And yes stupid people big time, now they will first send a person to fix his hearing aid in a month
I had some wierd dream of having to make a speech shortly beore some american graduation that I somehow had become a part of.. So I went up on stage, had some weird AF speech about heroes magic and protecting the town from the big giraffe/elephant like monster that was roaming the city.. befre running off of stage, changing into my graduation gown at which point I woke up

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Talk more and make some more S-O-U-N-D xD
* currently listening to my dad letting out his anger at some VERY stupid persons that should have been in his apartment 5 hours ago to check on his hearing-aid... They claim they ahve been by and pressed the doorbell.. I usuallly wake up when the doorbell rings I have not heard it at all and he has been up since 6 am waitng for them *
* currently listening to my dad letting out his anger at some VERY stupid persons that should have been in his apartment 5 hours ago to check on his hearing-aid... They claim they ahve been by and pressed the doorbell.. I usuallly wake up when the doorbell rings I have not heard it at all and he has been up since 6 am waitng for them *

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Nopes but did listen to Dua Lipas latest album