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Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
whe was it that the final day was for getting badges was? today? tomorrow? I must have been reading too much ( have bee reading a LOT today ) but cant seem to find a date or time for it..? some said something about a rumor for it togo till some cetai time but again.. where is it saying thaT?
Posted in Breaker Beach Coming to a Close! Posted 5 years ago
Thanks a lot for increasing the badges :3
Also I'm not sure if there will be a ' this person stood behind this' part of the event-thread, so I will just say it now; the art for the event, especially in the minigame was just SO adorable <3 * tosses some love on the artist/artists *

Sound making some noise~ <3 GO TEAM!
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
@ghost: Oooh... Not sure if I've read those news or not, but ( belated ) congrats on the promotion :3 <3
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
@ghost: why do you suddenly have a moon and purple/plum frame? oO
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
I just awant the event items one of each of them, it will just be a bonus if I can get the uniforms and an eventbundle for my mule. wheever I can get help by a mod/admin to get acces to it again.. >< have asked in dvoltras iscord but yeah no much help there. mostly thank to timezones I bet
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
Oh yeah I had completely forgotten that the puzzle was a thing to ear event currency on
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
yeah plently of time and an indoor roomtermperature that or the past 5 days havent gone below 28C no matter ho open my window is... just got a handheld paper fan to cool myself down while in isolation

I ever know what to talk about... and I doubt people would be interested in me nerding about my LARP character and thir backgrounds and what they do in any threads if theyhave to be relevant to the events subject ^^;;;
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
* mumbles something about how much they absolutely HATE these kind of spamming events*
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
so thats never gona be an achievement for me to get, at least not for now... So i guess tomorrow will be spamming time.... if my laptop dont crash under the heat.
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
Would aso have loved to et some items for my mule but I forgot the password fr it since Ive not beenon it for more than half a year

hahaahhaha yeah I currently have 11 badges
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
yeah but I fear when they will lock threads like this... its 3 am here and I need to get some sleep before the heatwave kicks back in ... not that it will be easy to sleep in 28,8 c room but its the coolest it seems I ca get my room to be ^^;;
need t get enough badges till I can get the items needed to brew Oh honey! and Conchious swimmer was way too tired to post anything yesterday and today have just been trying-to-overcome-heatweave
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
goodbye event and goodbye event items I cant afford as I dont have enough badges ( but way too many of the wrong itms for brewing whart im needing ) ><
Posted in Team Sound Cabin Posted 5 years ago
**** (> o . o <) ****

That sounds, well, I don't know how to say it ^_^; but at least you had a great day c: (Sorry if I'm not familiar with LARP which I don't know what's it about)

And it was an okay night for me, I'm about to head to sleep

Oh LARP is Live Action Roleplay, the setting for this particular one ( that is with social distancing, a LOT of handsanitizer and no touching each other at any time ) is vampire the requiem.. I was to play a spy-vampire having just come from an other country on the run from someone else. but the anxiety attack made it impossible for me to get properly into the game itself. So I didn't interact with any of the other players ingame.. other than a wave at one guy shortly before the anxiety happend ) ^^;;
Posted in Team Sound Cabin Posted 5 years ago
phew, finally I can sit and relax, been some crazy last 2 days X_X
Friday was my bday but it was a terribad bday.. some things went well othr things... nopes...
saturday kinda made up for it as I got to spend 4 hours with my bestie that I hadnt seen in 4 years <3 <3 was a good day.. untill my mom called me while I was at a LARP preparing to get in-game, and told that my father had ene on the ER after a bad fall.. some hour later got told he ws fine and just got a few stitches after his fall... but it was enough to trigger an anxiety attack on me... I mange to be... 10 ish mins ingame thuogh Im not sure how much ingame it can be called when my char didnt interact wiht other hars apart from saying hi to someone that walked by.. then anxiety took over and i eded up crying outside and next to the venue for a good 3 hours before I got help getting into the offgame room wher eI spendt the rest of the time till game-stop __ __'' at least I got something LARP rlated off of my hands while there.
then trolled by trains and an app for traveling.

got home at like 7 am at which poit I had been awake for 22 hours

anyway hows it going sounds?