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Look what the cat dragged in! It's Ven mdom!

Had that yesterday. Really didn’t feel coming out of bed, until I really needed to pee.

Yes because food is good

I have my money now so I can get the groceries soon

I had 99 cents left and no food
It’s on my bank account now

Posted in ♥♥♥ Show me yer face! PYP ♥♥♥ Posted 6 years ago

@onsenmark: when something just melts, it’s like putting ice cream in the sun
My cameras explode
@cashew: you so cute
@Sigma: that face... it feels like looking at a meme

Problems at the bank so no new money >.>

People really do anything for attention

Some people have nothing better to do than start drama
On a game, a girl said she would hack me if I wouldn’t date her.

As you should

I felt like that earlier but it worked out.
Result is in the hangout channel in discord

Want to borrow a ban hammer?

I know the feeling
My nipples look weird now, with a big, very light round around it

Doing alright. You?

There is a tattoo artist here named redbeard xD

I thought that Ozzy was still outside but he was sleeping on my bed

Still thinking about it but that sounds the best