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Let me pop it in Discord

Lineart is done
Who wants to see?

I'm almost finished already

I will have to wait until somewhere in May to get it. I then have a last appointment with the surgeon, for a last check up, and he will want to be able to see everything.

I had to wake up early today because I had an appointment with my case worker

Yes, to cover scars on my chest. A medical tattoo would cost me 600€ at the least and a regular would cost way, way, waaaaay less

I'm a bit cold, so I need coffee to warm me up
Just after I finished the line art of an idea for my chest tattoo

Soon I will have more coffee

That's always good

Hey there Ama. How are you?

I'm also pretty bad at posting a lot these days.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Why are there so many tattoo artists in the area? D=

Posted in Hey tell me what you did today? Posted 6 years ago

Today I:
- walked the dog
- had an appointment with my case worker
- bought and ate food
- now looking up tattoo artists in a city nearby

It’s olay, Dommy. I was active enough for 2 yesterday.

Posted in Can I just say ow? Lol Posted 6 years ago

Yeah, incisions hurt. Last surgery, I woke up with 5 of them.
The place where I had surgery hurt less than f- ers.

Do you want a baby dragon or unicorn bandage?

Ozzy hates fleadrops