Uncledaddy's posts
Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession)
Posted 6 years ago
I am extremely fucking angry, all the time. I just can't do or say anything about it at all, which makes it 10x worse. Sometimes I worry that I'm bound to snap any day now and do something silly. But until then, :^).
Posted in my poor OCs
Posted 6 years ago
Toyhouse codes are really easy to get tbh. If you haven't got one from someone here already, try Deviantart; there are people giving them away for free every day, and if you make a thread asking for one, you'll probably get a response very shortly. I think I got mine within a day or two of first hearing about the site. I don't remember if you can lurk the forums without joining or not, but there is a thread on TH where users with extra codes sometimes post them, as well.
As for other sites, a lot of people do use Weebly; it's free and has been around for a long time. Though I prefer TH because it's so easy to use and organize. I'm not aware of any others with a similar setup, but I'm sure they're out there. You could also use a regular art site (like Deviantart) and post your characters' art and profile information as submissions, since they have folders to help you organize things.
As for other sites, a lot of people do use Weebly; it's free and has been around for a long time. Though I prefer TH because it's so easy to use and organize. I'm not aware of any others with a similar setup, but I'm sure they're out there. You could also use a regular art site (like Deviantart) and post your characters' art and profile information as submissions, since they have folders to help you organize things.
Posted in Walmart removing violent video game displays from stores but still selling guns
Posted 6 years ago
Let's be fair. This move has nothing to do with them trying to stop mass shootings or anything of the sort. It's not in any way an attempt to take action against violence. It's just a "sensitivity" thing: not openly talking about (or in this case, advertising) something that people are currently upset about or especially sensitive to due to recent tragic events. They're not going to stop selling the games, nor are they going to stop selling guns for the same reason. The displays they're removing aren't even specific to video games--just anything referencing violence. This also includes movies and hunting videos on display, as outlined in the employee handout. Walmart is not trying to stop shootings, so claiming that they're blaming video games for violence is a bit fallacious here.
Posted in Uncledaddy's Shed [S]Vegetables [B]Ohms, Dark Master, Skunk Punk
Posted 6 years ago
@Tsundererra: trade updated, thanks!
Posted in Uncledaddy's Shed [S]Vegetables [B]Ohms, Dark Master, Skunk Punk
Posted 6 years ago
@mdom: and thank you!
@Kent: you got it, will send trade.
@Kent: you got it, will send trade.
Posted in Uncledaddy's Shed [S]Vegetables [B]Ohms, Dark Master, Skunk Punk
Posted 6 years ago
@mdom: you got it, trade sent!
Posted in Uncledaddy's Shed [S]Vegetables [B]Ohms, Dark Master, Skunk Punk
Posted 6 years ago
Updated with new items!
Posted in President Trump, sent a hostage-crisis diplomat to the courtroom for ASAP Rocky
Posted 6 years ago
I don't understand what's going on with this case. The article makes it seem like the guy got beat up for trying to talk to them?
Posted in I deserve a Gold Star or something....
Posted 6 years ago
tbh I've never considered not finishing a course of antibiotics. currently I'm on one that will last 3 months. goody goody. Thankfully, doctor told me I could take them with food despite what the packaging says. Because if I don't take them with food, I'll throw them up.
Posted in Come chat with me~
Posted 6 years ago
edit: speak of the devil... I just got my fourth fox.
edit: speak of the devil... I just got my fourth fox.
Posted in What kind of books do you tend to DNF?
Posted 6 years ago
The only book I've ever been unable to finish was The Red Badge of Courage. It was so wordy and boring, with too much unnecessary description to the point where I would forget what was actually happening in the story. That was a million years ago when I was in school. I don't read much these days.
Posted in So our local water company said
Posted 6 years ago
That's really gonna suck for night people.
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
not sure what's worse: gaining weight, or only gaining weight in the middle. It sure would be nice if I could exercise without 5,000 weird symptoms popping up. How is one supposed to stay in OK shape while having dumb health problems?
Posted in Come chat with me~
Posted 6 years ago
@Amakai: but then i'll be less motivated to work for it lol