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Posted in A-Z Mythical Creatures Posted 6 years ago
G is for the Gargouille.
Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in What animal is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago
A ferret.
Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks! Posted 6 years ago
Wasabi peas
Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 6 years ago
yum yum yum and thanks now i want lobster. :'^(

speaking of seafood... fried clams?
Posted in Names A to Z Posted 6 years ago
Posted in A - Z Fruits and Veggies Posted 6 years ago
Swamp cabbage.
Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 6 years ago
The way those red eyes are staring at me. D:
Posted in Lets play a game!(TNP) Posted 6 years ago
Yeah, they're pretty neat.

TNP is afraid of spiders.
Posted in My great grandpa is dying. Posted 6 years ago I just got a text from my grandma saying "You haven't asked, but Pop died Wednesday night. Funeral is Monday at 12. I would expect you to be there."


1: why didn't she say anything WHEN IT HAPPENED, or at least soon after? Why did she wait almost 3 days to tell me this???
2: Why would someone, who loves taking things for granted as she tends to do, not assume that I would expect her to TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED when she went rushing over there in the middle of the night? Is it not common sense that if she doesn't say anything afterward and appears to go on as "normal" that I would take it as a sign that he was still hanging in there and it was just another health scare? He's had so many of those it's become commonplace, to the point you never even tell me about them most of the time, so of course I would assume it was the same when you didn't come telling me, you know, he died.
3: I literally can't go to this funeral. If I miss another day of work, I'll lose my job. I don't know if they'd excuse it or not, especially since he's a great-grandparent and they only like to give you time off for "immediate family" like your children, legally married spouse, or parents.
4: Passive aggressive much?

I don't know what to do right now I really, really don't
"you haven't asked"
screw you.
"I would expect you to be there."
screw that, too. This isn't about you.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--I just don't know any more
this is actually worse than how I was expecting it to go.
and no, I really don't want to go to any goddamn funeral. But no, my decision will not be remotely respected if I don't go, and no, I cannot escape my family's crappy attitude unless I get my friend to help me pay for a hotel room and just never come home after work on Monday or something.
is that crazy? Is that a crazy thing to do? I'm an adult and I'm literally thinking about running away.
Posted in Frizz's Item Design Contest! Posted 6 years ago
Gotcha, thanks! Now to get plotting.
Posted in Frizz's Item Design Contest! Posted 6 years ago
:oooooo PIG

question: would multiple poses count as multiple entries?
Posted in Motivation Posted 6 years ago
this would be funnier if it didn't fill me with sadness and shame