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I am thinking of including some halloween colours in my posting style. But I am not sure what pixels to use yet.
I am doing good shark.

Yes hello there shark. How are you?

Go crazy and try more XD The sky is the limit XD

@Totalanimefan: No to the font you tried.
Posted in Dolls Posted 7 years ago

I grey up with barbies which I like but I really want a pullip doll. But they are so expensive.

@Totalanimefan: Yes it looks purfect now XD

Looks good now total.

No to that font total XD

Well it looks like 14 is the default.

@Totalanimefan: I am not sure what the default size is. I would guess size 12 is the default.

@Totalanimefan: I like the normal version better.

Hey guys I am bringing you a free posting style devider in various colours. Feel free to use them and if you need help with coding I can help.

@Totalanimefan: There is a bit of green in your top pixel. Or orange but then a darker shade so people can still read it.

@Totalanimefan: I think it looks good. You could always change the text colour.