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@Shadami: I used to do that on my old forum as well. First getting a full set myself and then buying art with currency.

So I am over halfway the amount needed for a full set.

@Shadami: I am sure you can get a bottom piece by posting the second img after the [ post ] tag.

@star2000shadow: That is why I would never want to live with a roomate.

@Shadami: I can help you. Which part do you have problems with?

@Alia Starchild: For me it was great because I ranked in the gold. Won page prize a couple of times and the gold I earned from posting there XD Also gave me lots of event currency which I used to sell full sets for 15k. So even more moneys XD

@Alia Starchild: It was an official thread so the owners gave out prizes. Like 10k as a page prize.
@Yuracye: I just replied to random people.

@Yuracye: It was a thread where you could win prizes so everybody and their moms was in there XD

@Yuracye: On my old avi home we had an event thread once, where once you typed the post and hit post there would be 2 new pages XD

@Alia Starchild: Nah I am recolouring a Sims 4 Fridge XD I had a dream last night in which a cool fridge appeared. So I tried to recreate it but it sucked XD So I am now making a differnt version.

@Yuracye: Yeh but see maybe you shouldn't be doing that then. Expecialy with a thread like this XD

@Yuracye: I am sure you can do it!
@Alia Starchild: I am in photoshop as always XD Tomorrow I will try and paint my nails.

Well that is good because then I am at the right place XD

Then I will better try and make some longer posts to get the max amounts of books.