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@Unicorn: Hello there unicorn :)

I am leaving you guys. I am getting sleepy. Bye bye. Talk to you guys again later :)

@Unicorn: The dress I am using is called Wendy's Dress :)
@Totalanimefan: It is weekend so no work for me. It is past midnight for me.

@Totalanimefan: About 10 minutes.

@Totalanimefan: Yes my folder is huge XD
@Unicorn: I am doing good. Almost ready to go to bed XD

I was just browing my paid pixel folder. I knew which paid pixel website I wanted to use. So I then looked through all halloween stuff.

@Totalanimefan: Thank you total :)

@Panda: I wish I could. But it is almost bedtime for me.

@Panda: That really sucks.

@Panda: Sorry to hear that panda. I guess it is also boring then?

So my new posting style is done :)

Hey there unicorn

No problem total.

Bye bye total XD