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I keep on seeing things from Among The Sleep? Anyone knows that game?

Dun dun googling for horror game scenery pictures to use for my layout XD

@Ina: I can multitask. Like I can play a game on my tablet and be here on my computer. But all good games are here on my computer. So I cannot combine those two.

Ain't got no time for games now XD I am chatting here so XD

@Boss Rimi: I am working on something for the Sims 4 but I am almost done XD

@Ina: I have Dead Space 2. I think that's the only Si-Fi game I do like. O and umm Lego Starwars. But does that even count XD

@Boss Rimi: I am doing good. Feeling itchy to create an halloween layout for blogging website livejournal. But need to finish something else first.

Shoot I wondered why there was no reply yet but I mentioned myself XD
@Ina: I have been playing shooter games since I was young so not a lot scares me. However si-fi things definitly do. I remember checking some images from a si-fi game and those monster robots uhmmm......
@Boss Rimi: How are you today?
Posted in Them spooky dreams/nightmares Posted 7 years ago

No cliff falling. But if I take a bath and sleep and the water gets cold I will dream about almost drowning.

@vengeance: I have been playing shooter games since I was young so not a lot scares me. However si-fi things definitly do. I remember checking some images from a si-fi game and those monster robots uhmmm......

@Ina: I can handle a whole lot of stuff as long as it aren't spiders. Because then I will scream.

@Ina: I mainly play horror games so my whole steam libary is filled with them. Out of the 45 games in my libary (I didn't count the putt-putt and freddie fish collection) 32 are horror games.

OMFG "Ex-Pussycat Dolls member Kaya Jones alleges that the group was a cover for a prostitution ring. She says that in order to be a seen as a team player, members had to sleep with whomever they were told to.". :vanora_sick: