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I only posted during the event XD I didn't take part in any of the challenges.

I am going to delete some sims cc in the meantime XD My folder is getting to big.

Yeh it is a great place. Want some volts to buy some extra event items XD

Cats always demand attention XD

Hey there Espy :)

The TV is on here in the background.

I am doing good. Working on a tumblr post with sims halloween CC I created. How are you?

Even fires won't recognise you.
Wow now that that Weinstein scandal has come out so many famous people are sharing similair stories. Latest one is James Van Der Beek.

We had sun today.

Hey kimmi! I am guessing you just woke up?

They are close to San Francisco & Sacramento. And there is one in LA.

@Boss Rimi: Here is a map of the fires:

@Boss Rimi:
Why hello there XD