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Are you guys close to any of them? I assume you talk about the californian fires?

Hello there total how are you?

Cool new avi sas. I never watch people play games. If I watch a game video it's because I am stuck XD

O no that's not that great.

Why not play it?

All plans cancelled? Even better XD More time to chat.

Hey guys gym got cancelled.

Dinner is calling me. Bye bye guys :)

Yes it is snake.

Work starts at 7AM with me.

That's the only time I can go the gym. I work all day.
Hey there star.

I can't. Dinner is almost ready and after dinner I have to go the gym with my mom. She will get angry if I tell her I don't wanne go today.

I am doing good. Just a little bit tired.

Ello there panda. How are tou XD