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Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago

Anyone in here XD

I am off now. Time for bed. Bye bye guys :)

I always just jump into a convo XD

IMGur sometimes sucks like that.

Everyone wants to look like me XD

@Kozi: Then they need to release those items quickly XD

All we need now is some alien items so you can be your true self XD

You are an alien kozi XD

Okay so he did end up listening to them.

Posted some music on facebook and my dad clicked like. So I asked him do you even know that artist. Dad is like "No but they are fantastic" >.>

You don't have to streak for us XD

@Boss Rimi: Wait is that you? You aren't naked anymore? Color me shocked.

That doesn't sound good Shadami.

I definitly need to find other threads to post.