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Posted in You There! Posted 5 years ago

@Onyx Popcorn:

Heights is a mood. That's something that still bothers me even today.
I can't use down escalators for that reason and the thought of taking a plane terrifies me.

Stairs don't bother me as much, but I am a lot more cautious since I have a bad knee.

@Queen of Trash:
I can understand that lol.

I can tolerate bugs, but when it comes to worms, that's a whole other story.

Posted in You There! Posted 5 years ago

Entertain me!
Amuse me!
Tell me something about yourself!

Tell me-... Tell me...

Tell me about something that spooked you silly as a child, but doesn't bother you so much now that you're older!

For me, it was dolls and ventriloquist dummies. They terrified the absolute patooties out of me.
I once had a nightmare that I was being kidnapped by Slappy from Goosebumps my fear was so bad. Now though, dolls don't bother me anywhere near as much.

Under the right circumstances, they can be unsettling but it's a big meh.

Posted in Silly little Art Drop Posted 5 years ago

It's a living galaxy that wiggles around and break dances in space.

Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

You look like an envy kinda person.

Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

your little vermin friends.
they're mine now bye.

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

Also, some sort of mage.

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago

You have nothing in your hair to match your outfit!
I think a lovely accessory or two would balance everything out nicely! Maybe hang some fairy lights from your antlers.

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

I have returned from the great war to claim my rightful place!

Posted in Welcome to Malwart (Walk-in rp) Posted 5 years ago

Customer Experience Salesfloor Associate

Tija could hardly get another word in the moment the HR door swung open.
Just as soon as Obstructus had shown themselves, they were gone just as quickly.

Tija huffed, hands on her hips.
"I hate it when they do that."
Calmly, and not anywhere near as rushed as the other had left, Tija floated after Obstructus.
She stopped just in time to see them inquire about a customer's toes and she frowned.
She cleared her throat, and floated past Obstructus with her fingers interlaced, approaching the customer.
"What they mean is- welcome to Malwart! I'm Tija, and if there's anything we can assist you with today, then please, don't hesitate to seek out a Malwart representative!" Tija said, with a tilt of her head, trying to smile for the customer, but it was hard without a mouth.

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

I miss playing it too. ;C
I tried playing yesterday, but i would dc before i could load into any game.
I tried like, 6-7 times to get at least one game, but nothing. i wouldn't even see the map for a few seconds like i normally would.
the loading bar would fill up, then suddenly i would disconnect.

i also learned that DBD has a knack for eating up my memory.

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

i've never been somebody else's butthead before.
is there anything i should know?

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

Are-... Are you calling me an assface?

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

Whats your inspiration?

Been doing alrighy. Cant complain. You?
Thank you very much! I actually made it on a whim for an rp im doing with Kira lmao.

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

Ah yes. Id like to compliment you on your rear.