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Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW Posted 5 years ago

yeah, i guess it wouldn't be a terrible idea to add a signature.

also, everything is good! i'm very glad you like it. c:

Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW Posted 5 years ago

your patience is very much appreciate. i'm also very glad you like it! ; u;

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

it was never anyone else's but mine.

Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW Posted 5 years ago


and done, finally, sorry again for making people wait so long.

Posted in Shenanigan Hour Posted 5 years ago

finally. some good news.

Posted in What's a random item in your possession? Posted 5 years ago

I have a hand painted wooden plaque that hangs on the door. On one side it says "Bou" on the other side it says "No Bou".

Amber made it for me when i lived with her and Doug. It was so they knew if i was home or not. Well, that was it's decided use AFTER i moved in.

Posted in Today, I am officially old. =_=;; Posted 5 years ago

I thought it wasnt until you hit your mid twenties that you technically start your slow dying process?

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

you right

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago

ever eat a bird with it's feathers on? it's not very pleasant. i don't appreciate being judged for my eating habits.
i plan to recycle these feathers, thank you very much.

i wanna say, the bubblegum pool is probably the most disturbing thing.
i'm not sure if that's the blood of some other fae or if you're just a messy eater.

Posted in Which Hogwarts House does the AAY belong to? Posted 5 years ago


Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

imagine two eldritch beings fighting like siblings.

"the great mother of all saith: 'tis your brother's time on the throne of void."
"nay, i have laid claim to this land myself. why should i share with lesser beings?"
"we are both eternal..."

Posted in Today, I am officially old. =_=;; Posted 5 years ago

happy birthday!
that feeling is a mood though, sometimes the thought literally keeps me up at night.
i could be sleeping peacefully, then my mortality comes knocking on my bedroom door to casually remind me i'm on a clock.

i think it has a lot to do with the fact that it feels like my life right now is pretty stagnant.

either way, i try to remember to take life one day at a time! if i worry about the future, it becomes scary and overwhelming.
i can only do so much for the future, but i can do a lot right now.

edit: i realized I wrote immortality and im crying. that's not what i meant.

Posted in Weird call Posted 5 years ago

not a call, but i used to keep getting texts from a French dude asking for a Denise or something. i forget the name.
I'd keep texting him back and saying that he has the wrong number. he'd apologize, and then maybe months later he'd text me again.

I hadn't heard from him in over a year and forgot about him altogether, but then maybe just a little while ago i got another text from the same guy, speaking French at me and asking for Denise.

Posted in Psst, guys! Posted 5 years ago

@Boss Rimi:
thats tru lmao.
i used to eat peanut butter in unhealthy amounts, but lately i've been feeling pretty similar about it.
still enjoy it, but i have to be in the mood for it.

but when i am, oh boy.
like cheese, i can find uses for peanut butter with just about anything.

busy busy.
i used to work at a mcdonalds that was smack dab in the middle of a highschool and apartments.
it was right downtown too, so you can imagine what the rushes were like.