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Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You Posted 5 years ago

I like the forest spirit vibe i'm getting!

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 5 years ago

Out of my seat or your body i will yeet.

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago

yo, what happened to your eyes

Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago

Those wing ears

Posted in Half-Marathon! Posted 5 years ago

Woah, that's a thing? I wish you all the luck though, sounds neat!

Posted in It's a Pink Lemonade kinda night guys Posted 5 years ago

I think there's only one place that I know of that would sell it around here, but it's a little booth that only shows up at events so I don't get it very often.
I always like to keep a eye out for it if something is going on in the summertime lol.

Posted in It's a Pink Lemonade kinda night guys Posted 5 years ago

mm, i haven't had pink lemonade in a while!
now i have an intense need for blue raspberry lemonade.

my day was pretty chill.
i got gifted some neat stuff earlier, got some grocery shopping done and now I'm probably gonna work on some art.

Posted in Tense. Posted 5 years ago

I have not. But to be fair, it's been a while since I've seen a dentist- horrible as that is. >>

Yikes. I should probably bring this up to my doctor the next time i see her.

yeah, it's a hard thing to break.
of course it all comes down to stress and what not. usually.

Posted in [Request Thread] I am Semi-Lit. 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

awesome, can't wait!

Posted in Tense. Posted 5 years ago

oof, i've caught myself doing the jaw thing too!

oh snap, i've actually woken myself up a few times from not breathing.
Often times i'll be peacefully asleep or on the verge of it, and I jolt awake. it's really unpleasant. I wasn't sure why for the longest time, but i'm starting to realize it's because i legit just stop breathing.

Posted in Tense. Posted 5 years ago

Every so often, I keep having to manually unclench everything in my shoulder and neck area when i realize I'm hunching over and stuff.
my shoulders are so stiff.
i keep trying to relax and straighten out my posture, but i gradually slip back into it.

does anyone else have to remind themselves to unclench and relax during the day?

Posted in Wild Fruit! Posted 5 years ago

Oooh, that's pretty cool!

I know there's a community garden in one of the neighborhoods nearby.
I don't think it sees a lot of care though.

When i lived in my old town, just on the outskirts there were a lot of wild Saskatoon berry bushes that grew.
My aunt liked to go out there and pick some for jam.

Posted in OFFICIALLY ONE WEEK OLD. Posted 5 years ago

@Queen of Trash:
wonderful, we can grow old together.

you can be my jaded next door neighbor who often comes to sit on the porch with me in silence for majority of the day.
We can grumble and gossip about the youngins these days and reminisce about our youth.

Posted in OFFICIALLY ONE WEEK OLD. Posted 5 years ago

@Queen of Trash:
No problem!
According to my oldest post on this site, I'm about toddler age.
HOWEVER, I don't count it because when I first joined, I think I only stuck around for a week or two and then I fell off the radar.
So I would say that officially, I'm about a month old myself.

I intend to grow old and wise on this site now.
I will sink my roots deep into this place.

get off my lawn! -shakes fist-