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Posted in Moody's Cotton Candy Stand|Freebs included Posted 6 years ago
Ooof, wisdom teeth woes D: and all four of them no doubt! I hope your extraction goes smoothly! I have one that needs to go as well, but it's so darn expensive Dx not to mention the aftercare. Thankfully mouth injuries heal up quickly tho ~

I'm sure the dentist will give you stuff to take care of it but if you've never heard of it, I recommend oil pulling! I know a couple people who swear by it for the recovery period. It makes a nice protective coating over the socket and can be good for your enamel depending on the oil c:

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Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
I'm at a paltry 24 lanterns Q-Q and blew all my volts on items lmao so I'm cleaned out. Gotta recharge :val-celebrate:

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@Valefor: It's definitely my favourite part of avatar sites, and what attracts me to them in the first place. I never considered myself "girly" but have always had an affinity for dress-up xD and Voltra's avatars are a nice balance of stylised and realistic.

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@Valefor: Certainly! Thank you for selling! I'm stocking up on all these awesome new items, can't wait to experiment with some avatar designs ~

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@Valefor: Sounds good to me! I'll get a trade started ^-^

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Posted in Come Roll for Volts! Posted 6 years ago

I need to step it up and get my social pants on to collect some volts and Lanterns. These event items are so lovely <3 ~

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Posted in this is (NOT) a hangout: aww, no funnel cakes? Posted 6 years ago
Oml funnel cakes are so good! Especially with strawberry syrup and tonnes of whipped cream cB

And it's awesome that you're going to Otakon! I'm sure it'll be a blast! So many cool things to see, so many awesome cosplayers, and not to mention all the fabulous merchandise O wO

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Shout out to the Guardians for keeping us all safe! I didn't even realise things were rocky with the Metal realm. Looks like I need to brush up on past events! O wO

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@Amber Lynne: Awwww that's kind of you! ^-^ Thank you so much! 8D

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@Amber Lynne: O: !!! Are you sure? If you're looking for any items I might have one to trade c: though I just got back from a hiatus so I don't have many of the newer items c':

I'll totally take it tho!

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Posted in countries! Posted 6 years ago
@KairoSama: Awwww yiss, sushi is awesome! Such a nice well-rounded snack. One nice thing is that the grocery store down the street from me has a sushi bar!! So much cheaper and more convenient than going to a restaurant c':

I've never been to Florida but it is STICKY and GROSS down there Dx

One of these days I hope to tour the caves but it's kind of expensive and is loooong tour (I think it's like 4-6 hours?). I understand why they don't just let people wander around in there though lol so many people would probably get lost, myself included xD

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@Valefor: Sorry for my late response! Just got off work c':

Alas I've already acquired an Inari's Oath and forgot to update this thread (RIP) but I am still looking for a Fortune Teller! How much would you like for it? ^-^

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Posted in What Item did you get? Posted 6 years ago
RIP I'm going to be so late to the party but I'm off tomorrow to catch up wheeeee

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Posted in Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Posted 6 years ago

I was playing the H E C K out of this game up until few weeks ago. But then I got really busy and just haven't had the time to pick it back up Q-Q last time I played was around the time the Best Friend event was going on. RIP I never finished it... I was hoarding gifts for Yuuki c': probably got kicked from my guild too RIP

It's so much fun, though! And I love how they changed up the plot a little bit too. The gameplay got a little tedious sometimes but being able to explore Aincrad is lovely ~

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