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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/17 03:27:47 )

    @xvz: aw shucks thank you! <33

    Yeah I’m excited it’s tortellini with zucchini, broccoli, mushroom, an onion. Pasta is always there and I never get tired of it


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/17 03:59:40 )
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@bonnie: oh yum! that sounds so good
i love roasted zucchini so much... juicy green circles lol
are you vegetarian?

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/17 04:06:42 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@xvz: True, true *nods* creativity knows no bounds. c:

I think it's mostly the former as I prefer 1:1 with specific people I already knew, I'm not very good at group rps though as I was afraid that I would mess up their rp ^_^;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/17 05:12:51 )

    @xvz: no I am not vegetarian at all, but I LOVE veggies. They are just so good, I love meat too but veggies there’s just so much more you can do with them.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/22 23:27:42 )
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helloo i'm back , i had food poisoning last week
lol it was miserable

my mac keyboard is also too broken to use anymore so i'm using an external keyboard .....

@chiffonorange: ahh i see
and noo don't be scared, people just want to have fun ~
at least for me, i would rather have more ppl to rp w / who are keeping it going than to not rp at all. like everyone has different styles and ideas and it's part of the process

@bonnie: oo yum i definitely relate to that!!!
i love eating cooked veggies, they're just so juicy and sweet lol
i don't really of calling myself a vegetarian but lately i've been eating mostly vegetarian since meat doesn't keep that long and i want to lower the number of times i have to get groceries
do you have a favorite veggie??

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/22 23:31:28 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@xvz: Hmm.. that is true though *nods* and I wouldn't mind rping with you or anyone else someday (if either one of us decided to make a search thread xD) and I'm very sorry to hear that you had food poisoning last week D: Hope you're okay! *gives you a virtual hug*

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/22 23:32:09 )
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@totalanimefan: btw i love your current avi!!
it's so cute! i was gonna ask what all ur head and face items were but instead i looked at ur profile cuz we can do that now!!!
may i ask what volkan's drool and volkan's blush are from?? they're not commons right? i want them

i can see that, i can imagine it being hard to meet people there esp as an adult
i was lurking earlier and saw that your spouse's company is letting u move to dc!!?? :-)))

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/22 23:41:52 )
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@chiffonorange: aww thank u ^^
i feel pretty weak from not eating during that time but otherwise am mostly recovered
sigh just grateful for whatever health i have left now i guess lol

i was enjoying the shared storytelling thread ^^ i'm sad no one else posted afterwards ...
i wish there were more open, continue the story style threads ~
i was thinking it could be fun to start like a "choose your own adventure" open group thread?
like each post ends w 2-3 choices that the next poster could choose from :-)
do you think people would join?

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/22 23:48:18 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@xvz: You're welcome and it's good to hear you're recovered ^^ and yeah me either, I mean I can't just hog the next post lol so I thought maybe the next person would see it and post but alas, I was wrong.

Ah that sounds interesting :o Hmmm.... that's kinda hard for me to explain, it depends on the people if they're interested or not (especially when it comes to genre as people have different likes and dislikes on each genre :viosweat: )

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 00:37:00 )
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@chiffonorange: thank u ^^
haha i think u should if u wanna ~
i feel like rp threads on here aren't the most active so u shouldn't worry too much abt "hogging"

that's tru that's tru i was thinking about that
like it's not rly the format
i think it would hard for me to decide how to start the story and like set the genre/theme

@totalanimefan: haha right! i think i've had it 3 times ever
this wasn't the worse case so i was like ok if i've been thru worse i can get thru this ...
there will be a light at the end of the tunnel ...

ooo ~ omg tysm i would definitely take one
ya i feel like i'm always wondering what ppl are wearing! at least knowing the name means i can look it up on the item museum or smthg
i'm really loving the new outfits feature too :-)

that's awesome! i remember you wanting so badly to move, i know it's not official but i'm really happy for you :-)
i see, 3 hours is still close enough to be able to visit or stay w her if she needs it too
i saw u were worried abt covid stuff but honestly i feel like it wouldn't affect your move too much other than maybe you can get a better price
exposure wise it's mostly just some movers right?
in ny at least 4 of my friends have moved or are moving this summer, i feel like the pandemic doesn't change that people have housing needs and there's not really that much additional exposure
i hope your mom's surgery goes ok and that you can be with her! <3

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 00:43:47 )
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omgg tysm total <3
this item is so cute, and there are mice?!?

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 01:06:37 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@xvz: True. *nods* Same goes for art thread, arcade thread, mini shop thread etc. (except the hangout or general chit chat thread as they're the most active I think) and I see.

Hmmm.... coming up a story can be tricky if there's no discussion on how to start the story and well as the genre/theme since one needs their potential rp partner to agree with their permission :o

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 05:05:01 )

    @xvz: I do not have a favorite veggie at all. I literally will just eat them 😂 they are always good together too.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 04:19:49 )
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@totalanimefan: omg! that sounds awful lol i hope you don't ever have to experience that again either haha
it's sweet you had someone to help take care of you tho :-)

and i see - i have had friends who have had to fly and/or move out of necessity and they seem to be ok - not sure if you find it a little more reassuring. ny had at least a week of daily protests and our cases didn't really go up, so i think it's possible that you'll be fine as long as you're taking all the precautions (and you can always quarantine for two weeks or get tested to be sure before you see her). i get that the story can be very different depending on where you are though so i definitely understand why you would feel anxious about it.
i didn't know you had a cat and dog ^-^ what do they look like?

lol buffer zone is Very important!

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 04:23:18 )
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@chiffonorange: ooh yeah i'm curious how much more active it is here during events??
i saw they announced a summer event TBD and i'm really excited about it :-)

that's true - sometimes open threads can work out if people happen to be interested, but it's hard to predict what other people want

@bonnie: aw yum ^^
some people seem to really not like veggies and it makes me a little sad lol
i feel like the reason ppl feel that way is often bc they're not used to them being prepared in a way that's tasty! but then the association is already made and anchored and it's hard to unlearn

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 04:41:30 )
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@totalanimefan: hahaha that's understandable
it's too bad to get it during a trip though! was it supposed to be like vacation?
i hope you got to enjoy the other parts at least haha

i get the worry but i think it'll be ok <3
how has the housing search been going? do you know what you're looking for?

aww they're so cute ^^<3
pinto is a lil one too, they look like they would get along!
how long have you had them?

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 05:14:45 )
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@totalanimefan: ah i'm glad!
i really miss the city
i hope moving/housing goes as smoothly as possible! are you going to get another 1br? i would imagine dc has to cheaper than the bay but i've never lived in the dmv area so i can't say i really know much haha
it's pretty fun to look at houses/apartments though lol (well, it's fun when you don't have a deadline and it's not out of necessity haha)

how cute! i wanna get a pet someday but i don't think i'm ready yet to put all my furniture at risk lol

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 15:55:53 )
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@totalanimefan: 2 br would be really nice, since you could set aside office space / secondary lounge area if you need or want ~ me time ~ lol
i would love to have an office someday, i definitely want the flexibility of wfh (since i have chronic pain) and it would be nice to have a room dedicated to being in work/thinking mode

haha me too! i'll usually look at nyc so i'm used to these wild prices, then go somewhere cheaper like atlanta and then i think everything is so affordable lol
for the price of a studio in nyc you could get like 2 mansions elsewhere ...
do you watch house hunters or shows like that?

yeah i think i still am in a phase of life where i want to be able to travel and move wo having to worry about pet care

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⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/28 23:06:48 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@xvz: Ah I see. *nods* It's true that it depends on whether they're interested or not :o

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/29 05:29:52 )

    @xvz: I completely agree with you. I wish people could break that, but eating habits seem to be the HARDEST thing to break tbh. Once you’ve gone your whole life not eating something you are very reluctant to change that.

    I’ve honestly seen people work to quit smoking rather than work to each more veggies and fruits. It baffles me



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