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Forums Hangouts ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 15:37:35 )

I'm alright now that I've gotten to talk to her.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 15:53:11 )
Those types of things are scary. I'm glad everything seems to be going well.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:00:45 )

Same. I was there til midnight and knew she was in her room, they didn't let me see her. But I stayed until I was sure she was okay.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:04:26 )
You sound like you are really scared and concerned... which is completely understandable! <3 Do you have any idea whether or not to expect complications with this? Or what brought it on to begin with?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:06:22 )

I just know things can go very wrong, even after they say it's okay. My whole childhood was hospitals for my dad. But this clot is most likely from an unhealthy lifestyle honestly. It could have killed her if she hadn't gone to the er yesterday.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:22:51 )
Yeah, that's my understanding that things like that tend to happen with bad diet and lack of exercise / unhealthy lifestyle. I'm so sorry you had this scare with your mom and hope things go well with this for both of you going forward


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:28:35 )
@Wildfire: 3/4 of the moms are a part of a church about an hour or so from my house. =o They do co-ops and stuff. I'm not sure if I want to get involved with that.
My roommate flew out to FL the other day. :3 She's out there now visiting her mom. Her moms has been stuck in another country for a couple of years, easing out the pandemic. I can't say stuck.. more she chose to stay in that country since she felt the US was a little too wild during pandemic stuff. Cx
Anyway, no plans for me today, just getting kiddo done with school.
I'd love to see your rug!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:33:55 )
@Koah: Gotcha (that was my approach too). Ask them about other co-ops in the area and if there are any secular ones around - they'll know and should be able to point you in the direction you're more interested in pursuing :3

LOL - your roommate is coming just as we're about to get hit with freezing temperatures, all the way to south Florida! It's good that she could come, though, and spend some time with her mom :3

I'll get a photo of the rug and upload it for you.

I need to start corralling my plants on to the lanai and creating a little "warm spot" for them... the ones I can move, anyway. The others will be surrounded by old sheets, boxes, etc.... that I need to find and start setting up.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:51:36 )

The last loop or so (or whatever you want to call it) isn't sewn on yet, and it's a bit wobbly, but this is the rug... laid out on, and taking up most of, our six-person table...

... and Wow - that photo does not do it justice!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:53:47 )
@Wildfire: I know there are local homeschooled kids in my town, I just haven't found their circle yet. CX
I think my roommate is headed back Friday. Tomorrow. To quote "I'm flying to Florida to hug my mom." me: as a mom, "hell yeah, I'll drive you to the airport."

You gotta tuck in your plants. <3 lol.

Oh My gosh! Your rug looks beautiful! I love the colors and how well they blend into each other. =O <3 I'm totally impressed.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 16:58:55 )
@Koah: You'll find your group - you're headed in the right direction :3 Just keep asking questions and making contacts <3 (which I'm sure you know already - lol!)

LOL at your roommate! I don't blame them one bit! <3

Yeah... gotta tuck in the plants! It's no joke when temps down here drop that far - we're just not equipped!!!

Thanks on the compliment on the rug - it does look better in person. It's coming out ok, imo... despite the wobbles here and there (which I hope settle down when I throw the thing in the wash a couple times!)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 19:39:46 )
@Wildfire: I can't see the wobbles in the rug. If that makes you feel any better. lol.

I'm really hoping our local temperature goes up a bit. Our heating bill is going to be ridiculous. We have that frosty fog again today. /le sigh/

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 20:06:39 )
@Koah: The wobbles are there... and they're pretty big, tbh. :( I'm going with "it adds character" and hope that they settle down enough so nobody trips over them XD

Oh... yeah... I hope your temps go up soon. Heating (or cooling) a house is no joke!

I ran some errands. I am not sure if what I have is going to be enough to insulate my poor little tropicals, but I guess we'll find out in a few days! I'd like to give them more of a chance to grow and become established, but a certain amount of "survival of the fittest" isn't a bad thing either XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 20:09:45 )
@Totalanimefan: ROFL! You're welcome to hide out here if you'd like. Essays are a great thing to procrastinate doing! XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 20:29:43 )
@Totalanimefan: lol, yeah... like drawing or doing a lot of creative things, I've found. It's why sometimes the best way to start is to just start writing something... or draw a line across your page... or maybe do some warm-up notes/exercises...

... but if you've already written one essay, wouldn't starting the next one almost be easier??


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 21:00:52 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh, I absolutely despise questions like that... it's like it's personal, dude... thus, none of your business!! But, I guess, for some people who don't think about those things, it can be a good prompt to get them to start thinking about them. /shrug/

Maybe a pro/con list would help? Like... honesty... ok... why honesty? what does it feel like to be honest vs dishonest, when you're the one doing it? ... when you're the one on the receiving end of it? Respect... same kind of question/comparison. What does accountability mean to you? How accountable? Does that also mean absolutely transparent (some people seem to think this goes hand in hand with accountability)... is it personal? Is it a more visual/obvious type of accountable? ...or social-type accountability? Is it overall, all-encompassing accountability, or something more specific? Generosity - define that to you. Does that mean generosity of spirit (personal)? of physicality (donations, etc.)? of good deeds (soup kitchens or the like)? Generosity... all the time, whether or not you can "afford" it (which might be impacted by any of my previous questions / states of generosity), or all the time? Is it active, passive, or something else....??


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 21:34:40 )
@Totalanimefan: Take the break and eat... but yes, those are good questions too. Personally my answer to the "why" is along the lines of "it's honorable, sincere, and ethically correct. There's no reason not to be honest or treat people with respect - lying, dishonesty, etc. is manipulative... and I have little patience or understanding for manipulations, coercions, lies, disrespect, etc. Also, the lies, etc., are just more work... who needs or wants that?? XD I'd rather spend my time and energy creating beautiful things or being authentically there for others, instead of trying to decipher motives, etc."


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 21:59:31 )
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I get that. Is anything I posted on the topic so far helpful to you? Is there something else I can do to help? Although it has been a while since I've been in a similar position, I know what it's like to be at that "starting phase" of essays like this... it can be tough.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 22:02:28 )
@Wildfire: I just went and bought groceries and now I'm cranky because of the increase of prices on things. T^T It was like.. 30$ more for my typical purchase items.

I hope your rug washes out the wobbles. lol. It seems really big, can a washer handle it okay?
I'm sitting here doing an art project with my son.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/01/27 22:27:41 )
@Totalanimefan: The increase in prices definitely hurts. Man, you barely got anything!
I spent 85$ today on just fruit and a couple pounds of meat.
I live out in the country and meat went up almost 2 dollars a pound this year. T^T


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