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Forums Hangouts ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/2 14:40:25 )
@Yachiru: Yes, my one day in to the new year was a nice relaxing one :3 You?

It sounds like you're looking forward to snow, but live in an area that it might not happen. I hope you get at least a little bit of snow, so you can play in it! :3


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/2 15:02:32 )

Good morning, all!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/2 20:04:13 )
@CooperationIsKey: good afternoon, Key. How are you doing today? Are you feeling better? Did you have a good New Year's Eve/Day?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 01:28:48 )

@Wildfire: Hiya! I'm all right, except my lingering flu seem to have thrown my blood sugar all outta whack. It it's not one thing it's another, right?

I actually don't much remember new years eve; I believe I slept through midnight, lol. Things have been pretty quiet here really.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 14:24:43 )
@CooperationIsKey: oh no - you're still feeling sick? That's unfortunate! :( ... and the repercussions with your blood sugar don't sound like much fun either, tbh. I really hope you start feeling better and back to your "old" self soon! :3 Quiet isn't a bad thing, imo. I'm enjoying that "shiny new year quiet" thing that seems to be going on, tbh! :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 04:30:30 )
@Wildfire: my mom keeps trying to get me to do her evening babysitting/nanny jobs too because they pay a fortune. But my god. I am pooped.
I did a nye gig and new years day, my bank account thanks me but my mental- not so much. XD
I nannyed at a multimillion dollar home. OTL spoiled children. And they called me "nanny mom" because i mentioned i had my own children. Cx
And those children asked me if my nanny was watching my kids while i nannyed these kids. Like Whaoh! Realities are just so different.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 13:32:21 )
@Koah: Oh my - your mom just doesn't stop, does she? @_@ ... and you're taking all that on. Yeah, I bet you'd be pooped!! That's probably quite the understatement, actually!! Eeek! LOL at the "nanny chain"... one nanny watching a set of kids while their mom goes to watch a different set of kids, who in turn... XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 16:06:24 )
@Wildfire: no. She doesn't stop. My mom is a person that- if she stops, her thoughts start filling her brain and she gets depressed. So she's a workaholic. And im her lazy, spoiled youngest. XD
My sister and I are keeping her busy with my tedious job tasks. Its sorting and organizing bins full of items. Kind of like doing inventory for my job.
There's 7 kids on today's daycare planner, all under 2 and a half. -silent panic-

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 17:33:33 )
@Koah: oh - now that's a good idea ... kinda swapping jobs for the time being! Good brainstorming! <3
Yeah, I gotcha. It's good that she has some coping mechanisms that can have productive, positive effects.
And you sure as anything don't sound "lazy" to me! XD

7 kids. All under 2yrs old? Oh honey... you got me trying to hide under a blanket now! XD Good luck!


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 19:13:04 )
@Wildfire: i will always be lazy in my mom's eyes. Lol. Even once all this job swapping is done, she'll still find ways to make comments on my lack of motivation. XD. This is something i am used to and expect. She is who she is. And she treats others by the way she runs her own life.
I have an older kid that has strep throat at home too. My husband is dealing with that why I handle daycare stuff.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 01:18:00 )
@Koah: ouch. That's unfortunate, koah. I really hope you haven't internalized that idea! ❤️

...and ouch again- strep isn't fun. I hope kiddo recovers soon! How's hubby holding up with everything?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 15:19:32 )
Good morning, everyone.
How's everyone doing?
What's new?

I woke up tired this morning, my car is in the shop for further testing on a transmission issue, and it's overcast and gray and humid outside and all the leaves are falling off the trees (hello "Fall/Spring"), and ... I dunno. I have things to do but I just want to curl up on the couch, tbh - despite the nearly two cups of fully caffeinated coffee I've already had this morning! XD I'm sure I'll feel better after a walk and a shower, but so far, it's a slow day :3

How has your first few days of the new year been?
Has the turn of the new year affected you at all? - any resolutions or goals that you've made or started working on? How's it going?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 17:12:37 )
@Wildfire: i hope your vehicle gets repaired and with it being a transmission issue, hopefully, it won't cost a fortune. D:
Lol your fall/spring is a weird thought to me. XD skippin winter over there.
I haven't even thought of New Years resolutions or goals yet, I've been occupied with other mentally filling things. Living day-to-day.

Oh, to reply to yesterday, my daughter doesn't have strep- but most likely mono. OTL

I've accepted my mom for how she is and sees things. I still struggle with myself sometimes. X)
But i think a lot of people do?

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 18:05:08 )

I'm so fatigued I can hardly stand it. I assume it's because I'm still fighting off the flu. Also if my roommate could stop nagging me to 'be more active' when I can barely function it'd be super. Seriously barely managed to shower (I had to sit down for half of it) and put clothes in the wash (nearly sat down in the hallway) and I'm so exhausted I'm nearly in tears. I hate being sick. //whine

So far 2023 has sucked for me. :P


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 21:14:18 )
@Koah: Yeah, thank you - I should call the dealership and get a status update, actually. It shouldn't cost me much, fortunately... yay for 10year warrantees!

*whines a bit* We had winter... for about 3 days!!! It was just in time for Christmas and the temps actually dropped to freezing (for like an hour overnight)! XD Now it's Fall/Spring, apparently (this time of year always reminds me of both and it really jumps between Fall (with leaves falling) and Spring (with everything budding), depending on the specific weather that day)... and...

... when there was sunshine. It has been overcast most of the day today.
<--- stretchy turtles

... and a big ol' gator (he wasn't huge, but he's probably 7' and looking rather healthy...)

And.... uhhhh... yeah.... you've been quite busy with a lot of other things lately!

Mono? /eyeroll/ Ugh. Jeeze. I hope that goes well for you guys... That stupid virus knocked me on my a** for a good couple of months when I was in high school... so seriously - good luck.

...and yeah, most people go through a process of absorbing or refusing other people's ideas about them...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 21:16:43 )
@CooperationIsKey: ... maybe you have mono too? Or covid? I know the kind of fatigue you're talking about and it completely and utterly sucks... and people, trying to be helpful or supportive, telling you to "just get up and do it" just don't Get it... and good intentions aside, they're not actually helping. Maybe it's time to have a chat with your roomie and try to explain the kind of fatigue you're dealing with?

I'm sorry, Key... and hope you feel better soon! :3


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 22:45:14 )

@Wildfire: I hope it's not something else on top of the flu, goodness. I was tested for both covid (negative) and flu (positive) on the same day, though that was two weeks ago now. My cough seems to be subsiding but the sheer fatigue is overwhelming at times. I have been told the flu is quite the butt-kicker this year though so maybe I'm just dealing with that, I'm not sure. I do have a fair few underlying health problems that I'm sure are not helping matters (including chronic fatigue syndrome!). I've been to urgent care twice and the ER twice--my blood sugar going haywire necessitated the second trip. Hadn't been to the ER in several years and then bam, twice in one week.

Roommate is talking about how I was "doing so good" while we were going to the Y regularly and such, and yes, I was, but also, I've had the flu for two freaking weeks, like gimme a break! Unfortunately she doesn't take hints well.

Thanks, I really hope this goes away soon. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Lol.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/6 15:00:38 )
@CooperationIsKey: Oh, believe me, I wasn't wishing anything else on you - the flu can be tough enough! Especially with underlying other issues, including chronic fatigue. I was kind of teasing, but also kind of brainstorming and trying to help. I'm sorry to hear that you're really having a tough time with all this... whatever this is - whether flu, or more-than-flu, it doesn't matter... it sounds like it's knocking you for a complete loop, on a number of levels! It sounds like your roomie is worried about you, and trying to be supportive... even if she doesn't quite "get it". Good luck.

How are you otherwise?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/6 20:03:48 )

@Wildfire: When you're so tired that laying down feels exhausting, it's kinda scary. Fortunately that hasn't happened since after my shower yesterday. And yeah, roommate is worried about me, which I appreciate, but now, when I"m struggling to function, is not really the time to hassle me about being more active. :P

Things are fine otherwise, I guess? I dunno, being sick has kind of taken up all my focus lately so it's hard to say, lol.

How are things with you?

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/6 20:08:10 )
@Wildfire: what is Huge to you?! Thats a big gator! Lol! I love turtles. :3
Thank you for sharing those pics. They bring me joy. :D

I guess my equivalent would be moose here. Small moose is still the size of my car. XD

I think we caught the mono early. She's taking meds, and is already chipper again. Scratch that- she's wining right now. Whining is better than lethargic and crying.

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