— The Dude
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/15 05:34:31 )
"Not at all." Darrel replied.
"Ash's has a... heavier... taste." he told her. "Like, the darkness in it makes it a heady taste, and it tends to have a bit of weight in the stomach." he said further.
"Plus, the Salamander in him gives it a unique tang." he went on.
"Lindsay's is completely different." he went on.
"The absence of the darkness makes it lighter, and the phoenix element adds SO much." he continued. "It gives it a nice airy feel, and the nature of phoenix mana, being about rebirth and all that... well... it gives the blood a bit of a rejuvenating effect." he told her further.
"I feel full of energy because of it." he finished... and she could see that he wasn't lying. He did seem to have a LOT more energy and spirit suddenly.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi