Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/28 08:01:28 )
Today's been a whirlwind of emotions and I nearly lost it today. I live in the downstairs suite of the house my father and step-mom (plus 2 step-brothers, a step-sister, 2 half-sisters and a half-brother, All under the age of 13 and I'm 23) and currently have the entire area to myself, but today I was told that tomorrow night I have to give up my living room to one of my step brothers and 2 of his friends for his birthday party tomorrow night because my step-mom doesn't want them being too loud and waking my 2 year old step brother. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but tomorrow night I made plans to spend the night with my amazing partner (Sulley) which is now cancelled and I was really looking forward to it since I just got some part-time work at my universities farmers market and wanted to celebrate. My father and step mother came downstairs a few hours ago and told me which I found to be disrespectfully short notice. I expressed my frustrations to them but they only proceeded to get mad at me for "Making a fuss over one night." Once they left I punched the corner of my wall as hard as I could out of rage and cut my knuckle pretty bad. I couldn't control myself and just snapped because I was subsequently stressing my partner out at the same time and everything seemed to be ruined, I knew it was stupid but I just needed to get some of my anger out somehow. I've finally calmed down after realizing there was no hope in finding a way around this and just wanting to stop being angry and talking to my partner really helped and I couldn't be more thankful for her patience with me.