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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:04:53 )
@sunny: Thank you. It's just random little things that are sneaking up on me - last minute errands and things to do. It's not anything bad, just stuff that's keeping me off the computer and lately, out of the house.
It's a really big deal for you - you're excited and nervous and probably still trying to put certain bits of information together, so it makes complete sense that you'd be a little apprehensive - lol! I'm sure it will go well, though, and I wish you the best of luck! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:08:20 )
@Purpsy: The feel of drawing on a tablet versus paper (my preference) is completely different. I'm not sure I ever really got a good feel for digital drawing, tbh. But it's a skill like any other ... time invested + practice = knowledge and ability. We'll both get there!
Yes, my shopping is done but mostly because I am done. I can't deal with any more shopping around for things my kids may or may not like or need - especially when they are both likely to really need things for themselves in the near future (they are close to moving out of the house and starting their own lives)

@Koah: Good morning! How are you today?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:16:03 )
I'm doing good. Just woke up. I'm feeling a bit tired. I'm waiting for my coffee to get done.
I have the intention to draw today and re-arrange some furniture to make Christmas a little more comfortable around the tree.
Hopefully I can get both those things done.
How are you?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:20:38 )

@Wildfire: Wew your kids that old? I'm sorry I assumed they're in their early teens or something =w=;
Well at least you finish your shopping early. Doing any last minute shopping during a pandemic lockdown is a nightmare. Where I live most of the stores here are closed so that's just great.

It is very different. I have difficult time maneuvering my pen often and it feels like I have relearn drawing circles all over again which I'm already good at to begin with. I got a little frustrated of it earlier and I even have the gloves for it and is still hard.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:27:57 )
@Koah: Oh, I'm doing ok, thanks. I am trying to tie up a few random loose ends around the house and online so that I can focus on meal planning and final details for Christmas.

@Purpsy: LOL, yes, my kids are 19 and almost 18. The younger one is chomping at the bit to get out and start his life (which probably means living out of his truck for a while). The older one is taking a more cautious approach and trying to get a job and leverage his degrees first, but he would really like to get out and start his life too.

Most of the stores are closed where you are ... as in closed for good? Ouch.

No, I wouldn't want to try doing any real shopping right now. I try to get most of my holiday shopping done between Black Friday and the following weekend.

Yes, I find working with the tablet an entirely new thing. It makes me feel like I can't draw at all, which I know is not the case.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:35:12 )
I just spent the last 10 minutes looking for my tablet pen. I found the stand, with no pen in it. The joy of having kids and dogs. I just found my pen. so, crisis averted. lol
Everything around here is striving to be open, however, during the holiday shopping time, the state closed and now no one really knows what's open or not.
I finished my shopping and I'm expecting a box in the next day or two. Actually two boxes, but one is lost in the mail. I'm not terribly concerned if we have a few late presents this year.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:41:53 )
LOL, oh yes, kids and dogs (and husbands) definitely throw a monkey wrench in to one's ability to find things when you want to! I'm glad you found your pen though!

I honestly don't know how any store except for a few of the really huge ones are going to manage to stay open if this shutdown stuff continues for much longer. Even if everything opened today, it will take a long time to rebuild, restock, etc. and the interim is not like to be much fun. (I'm pretty mad at the whole situation, tbh, but am trying really hard not to dwell on it)

LOL Koah, no, I don't think anyone's going to be too upset at late gifts or whatever this year. It is a weird year in so many different ways, and there's only so much we can control.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 17:49:27 )
This year is crazy, it hits pretty hard because I come from a household of entrepreneurs. We sold 2 out of 3 of our family businesses in 2018. I still get random phone calls from those family members just hashing out their thought processes of "What if we still had the shop?! Can you even imagine. I hope they're doing okay."
I'm glad I'm home with my kids and essentially fried every day from my household. That way I don't have to think about the economy and all these beautiful mom & pop shops struggling.

The gifts that are in the mail are from family and friends. :) Nothing Santa related. lol

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:00:14 )
@Koah: Yes, I can't even imagine. We have several friends with small businesses that were struggling before the shutdowns, and one friend who actually opened a shop just this year. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not she has gone entirely insane!

Yes, you are fortunate with your situation. I miss that period with my kids and school, etc., and it honestly would be a great thing to dive in to right now if my kids were still at those ages. Instead, we're getting hit pretty hard because we're all in transitional periods over here ... and stymied because of the covid situation. So I'm glad you can dive in to it, make the best of it, and enjoy the time with your family! :3

Ahh, yes, at least it's not santa gifts that are being delayed! That would be difficult to explain to little ones!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:07:43 )
lol! Kudos to your friend! I honestly keep thinking that this is a good time to open a shop (if I had the fundings). Focus online selling for the first year, while also having a by-appointment or open door location.
This subject always gets me stoking my fire. So I'm going to change the subject because I'm poor and can't open a business. XD I also promised myself and my husband that I'd get some college knowledge on business before jumping back into management.
Your transitional period is tough. <3 I hope your sons are doing okay with the pandemic.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:25:23 )
@Koah: Yes, I agree a topic change is in order, so let's do that :3
What are your kids' favorite subjects in school? Are they enjoying the school-at-home situation?

And because "why not", random questions, generated by a random question generator:
    What are your favorite hot dog toppings?
    Have you ever been surfing?
    What type of music are you into?
    If you had to swap lives with someone famous, who would you choose?
    What is you favorite snack?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:32:23 )
My answers to the randomly-generated, random questions:

I don't usually eat hotdogs, but mustard and cheese when I do.

No, I've never been surfing. Kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, yes. Surfing? no.

Music - I have very eclectic tastes in music. You can find me listening to anything from classical, to Billie Holiday, to Five Finger Death Punch, to classic rock, to 80s/90s alternative, to 2 cellos, to club/dance/techno/whatever, to just about anything except for hip-hop and house type genres.

If I had to switch lives with somebody famous?? I really don't know. I don't follow celebrities so know nothing about them or their lives. This is an impossible question for me.

My favorite snack depends. I'll usually grab an apple or tangerine, but if there are crackers and cheese around I'll often go for that


Voltie — Dude/bro Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:41:00 )
@Wildfire: My mom told me that today is the big day, she said that yesterday is the day when you're not supposed to leave the house during the night because of like a hunt and fairies or something. And no I didn't, I'm an atheist, they do all the celebrating. I just come over because they're my family.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:42:55 )

@Wildfire: Ahh I see they are in that stage now :3
Small businesses yes which is really sad but the essentials or well known stores like grocery stores, pharmacies or some restaurants are either open or only allowed by pick up.
True I kinda want to do a christmas drawing digitally but given how much I suck at it and the limited time I have. I think I'll stick with traditional...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:44:06 )
@Evilcupcakecat: Right - the Wild Hunt, isn't it? Something like that, anyway. Spending time with family is often a good thing, so that's good! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:46:02 )
@Purpsy: That's usually my default too, but I've just picked up my tablet and am going to give it a shot. It will either work with my current level of patience and available time, or not, but I finally have a little bit of time to play with it, so that's my plan. Wish me luck - lol!!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:49:03 )

@Wildfire: *gives you all the luck*
I hope you do more better than me then and have fun!


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:51:22 )

@Wildfire: oh I see! All the same, I hope things are going smoothly. I bet it's the holiday period, that always gets hectic :o

Thanks you! Honestly I was about to lose hope that I would hear anything until COVID is over. Honestly I'm surprised they're still taking appointments.

My dog snuck into my bedroom while I was out and stole his two remaining presents and opened them, and then he tried to hide the evidence.... Little bugger!


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie — Dude/bro Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 18:51:30 )
@Wildfire: yeah usually it's okay I have like four younger siblings though and they get annoying. The house is never quiet, there's never a dull moment.
Male/20/gay/sad. :(
I usually only check this site like once or twice a day so it might take me a bit to respond.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 19:05:02 )
@Purpsy: Thank you! So I just did a quick sketch, and it's definitely rough, but it was a pretty natural process. So far. Let's see what happens when I try to clean things up a little and try different tools.

@sunny: Yes, it is a little surprising that they're still open and taking appointments, but in other ways, not really.
LOL at your dog! That's funny. Of course, mine would do the same if they could, but I have their gifts triple wrapped in plastic bags and stuffed on a high shelf where they can't get to them.

@Evilcupcakecat: LOL. They won't always be noisy and chaotic, but I understand how that could wear on a person after a while (I tend to prefer quiet too)

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