Aisukohi's posts
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?)
Posted 5 years ago
@Lina: No worries! I was pretty much focused on one or two threads myself. xD Love your new avi!!!
@xvz: I would love that, and thank you! And I loved the event, even if I wasn't quiiite as active as I would have liked to be. Overall I got most of the items I wanted lol.
@Bonnie: You're too kind, and I thank you so much!! <333
@xvz: I would love that, and thank you! And I loved the event, even if I wasn't quiiite as active as I would have liked to be. Overall I got most of the items I wanted lol.
@Bonnie: You're too kind, and I thank you so much!! <333

Posted in Parenting and School Starting
Posted 5 years ago
@xanthan: I've never really thought about finding homeschooling groups. Actually I haven't really thought about homeschooling because I don't think I can afford to. I feel more secure knowing we have dual income for our household, because if something were to happen to either one of us, at least we'll be okay, financially. But I do think I can find support groups for parents in similar situations. My son's current program does virtual support groups once a month, and the person who runs them also frequently shares support materials via email, so I can always fall back on those.

Posted in ETA for Commons Surge!
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks for the update, and hope all turns out well for everyone having issues! <333
Super excited to see what the commons will be!
Super excited to see what the commons will be!

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
I like the idea of having an occasional item design contest. Just pitch a theme, and let your userbase go wild.

Posted in Parenting and School Starting
Posted 5 years ago
@xanthan: I'm in the same boat--no trust in the government or other powers that be in the practices (or lack thereof) for how to do things. My biggest concern is of course the opportunity for covid to spread. Even if it doesn't usually affect kids, I work with the elderly population for a living. If he brought it home, and I brought it to work...I can't even think of how shitty I'd feel. We've been very fortunate to not have any residents contract it, but a couple employees have unfortunately had it, and we've been very careful to keep it out of our building.
I don't personally know of any parents with kids in his age group other than this kid who lives across the street from my parents (they watch him while I'm at work). I've contemplated arranging a playdate with them, but I'm not sure how to go about it since our schedules seem to be so different. My son's early intervention used to have play groups for kids his age and their families, but this was all before covid. Now of course, those are postponed indefinitely, and so he doesn't have much opportunity to be around others his age. Sometimes we'll take him to a park in the area, but I'm leery about him interacting with most people right now.
I don't personally know of any parents with kids in his age group other than this kid who lives across the street from my parents (they watch him while I'm at work). I've contemplated arranging a playdate with them, but I'm not sure how to go about it since our schedules seem to be so different. My son's early intervention used to have play groups for kids his age and their families, but this was all before covid. Now of course, those are postponed indefinitely, and so he doesn't have much opportunity to be around others his age. Sometimes we'll take him to a park in the area, but I'm leery about him interacting with most people right now.

Posted in Parenting and School Starting
Posted 5 years ago
My son is turning 3 in November and will be eligible to start attending school.
However, he's in an early intervention program for his delays in speech and communication, so taking covid out of the picture, this is all very anxiety-inducing for me. But putting covid in the picture, I'm not sure I even want him to start, but I worry about him not starting and missing out on the things he needs for his development.
However, he's in an early intervention program for his delays in speech and communication, so taking covid out of the picture, this is all very anxiety-inducing for me. But putting covid in the picture, I'm not sure I even want him to start, but I worry about him not starting and missing out on the things he needs for his development.

Posted in Good news!
Posted 5 years ago
That's awesome!! :D
Congrats on getting a job!! Hope you like it too!!
Congrats on getting a job!! Hope you like it too!!

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago
I'd love to have a dog, but right now I don't have the space or time for one.
Some daaaaaay!
Some daaaaaay!

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
brb in a bit

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
I should get my babies more cat toys. Their feather stick things are pretty much toast lol. Also been meaning to get them a cat tree...

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Maybe get them a toy on a track or something?
My cats are both chonks, but they're lazy too lol. Could probably stand to adjust their diet some...
My cats are both chonks, but they're lazy too lol. Could probably stand to adjust their diet some...

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
That sounds stressful star. D:
Aww, I never got to take a course like that, Purpsy. Kinda wish I could have to see how I would have done lol.
And I'll try to check that out, grost. I hear ya on the trade remark though. I used to have to go through that process on another site where I had a ton of spare items for a charity I was running.
Aww, I never got to take a course like that, Purpsy. Kinda wish I could have to see how I would have done lol.
And I'll try to check that out, grost. I hear ya on the trade remark though. I used to have to go through that process on another site where I had a ton of spare items for a charity I was running.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Sounds like a smart idea if you have lots to get rid of.
I wish we had a storage feature on here. That way I can store volts I'm saving for items I'm waiting to buy, and also store extra items I don't feel like seeing but can't seem to get rid of lol.
I wish we had a storage feature on here. That way I can store volts I'm saving for items I'm waiting to buy, and also store extra items I don't feel like seeing but can't seem to get rid of lol.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
It's nice to meet people of all ages on avi sites, I do agree.
Also take your time having kids. :) Your life won't be the same once you start having them, so definitely enjoy life without them while you can lol. Not that I regret having my son for anything in the world, but it's really different now, lemme tell ya!
Also take your time having kids. :) Your life won't be the same once you start having them, so definitely enjoy life without them while you can lol. Not that I regret having my son for anything in the world, but it's really different now, lemme tell ya!