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Posted in I am Angy: A work tale... Posted 3 years ago

@Kory: Like sir, we cannot have you back here because you can get hurt. There is a lot of dangerous stuff in the back of a Goodwill before it goes out for sale. But mostly I'm pissed at my coworker for not backing me up the way he is supposed to.

Ride all the way to work.

At least I don't have to stand in it today.

I'm just still sleepy, and it's raining.

Morning, I don't want to be awake.

Yep. There was a time that this con was one hallway and like four rooms.

Mhmm, but it's still come a long way from what it was. I've been going on and off since the very beginning of this con.

It's Saturday and Sunday only, since it's being hosted by the FSU anime club. They're only allowed the days FSU is willing to give them. And I've been given them off. Which is awesome.

They have a murder mystery event that I'm interested in. A scavenger hunt. Some like a fanfiction dungeon thing, that I'm interested in.

Lol it's going to be so great. >w<

I hope that I am lol.

I'm good. Got some stuff finished for my panel at a con I'm going to this weekend. Ice cream for breakfast, and some coffee.

Good morning everyone.

Posted in I am Angy: A work tale... Posted 3 years ago

@Vegan: Not entirely true. Those tiny Gideon Bibles are free lol.