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I'm good. Despite having been woken up by a silly dog wanting attention.

Good morning everyone!

Not really just chilling before work.

Whichever makes you feel happiest. -nods-

Lol see a hike is just what you need.

Can always just read a 'beach' book.

Yeah. I hate those kind of days. Like you feel like you want to do something, but you have no idea exactly what that it. So everything else seems like pure torture to do.

Is there something else you'd rather be doing?

I'm pretty okay with the things that I want to get accomplished while at work today.

When I get in today, I'll be making sure coworkers read the safety packets we get sent. Then sign a sheet that says they read it. We're supposed to do meetings for this, but because our staff is so small that's just not something we can do. We're not given enough of an 'hours budget' to set aside for drills or those meetings. So I'll be talking to everyone one on one.

My full time schedule starts next week.

I am working today, thankfully a later shift. So I can good around for a big longer than normally.

Alright. Still a touch sleepy myself.