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@Lin: 1. The Caged Door
A Metal Barred Door With Darkness Behind
Another roll
In for a morning roll~
@Geist: You almost got the number! :o
Oddly enough, I had a dream that I'd won a round, last night.
Can't remember the number or the item...
But shows how much this event has taken over my brain.
Not sure what we're rolling for, but popping in to get some numbers~
@Mayor Volkan: Door #2
Late again. D;

@Count Trashula: Thank you! :]

@GoblinsAndTea: Thank you so much! >w<
@Count Trashula: found one I took for a friend a couple of nights ago:
@Count Trashula: They really are.
Let me see if I have a picture somewhere, real quick...
@Totalanimefan: It teaches you about food stuffs and also the psychology behind weight loss.
I'm quite enjoying it so far and if I get some birthday/christmas money I might actually invest in having it for 6 months.
The light thing always tends to be my problem. I don't usually have a lot of motivation to do things during the day, but I'm overly motivated to do everything at night. D;
Oh no, you should do all the video games, then. It's a treat yourself kind of day. The house won't mind, I'm sure. <3
@Count Trashula: Oh man, that was so long ago. Lol.
I mostly crochet.
I have like 20+ mushroom berets, a giant stuffed mushroom cap hat, and a mini mushroom keychain guy.
My first crochet pattern that I plan on selling is a little stuff mushroom guy. But I'm still working on getting the pattern perfect.
I have five finished so far. :vanora_sweat: