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@kent: @hadsvich:
@dragoness129: Oh, that sounds like it'll be a blast!
I hope you guys enjoy yourselves~~~
@Totalanimefan: I'll probably be able to get the one.
Without the free items from the games I would have been completely SOL, though.
Gotta appreciate Voltra for that. <3

@Glume: I love your avi!
It's so cute~~~

@Totalanimefan: I have 671 sugar cubes rn.

@dragoness129: I wish them luck!
That's neato~
I was supposed to sell some stuff at the Renaissance Fair last month, but it got cancelled.
So hopefully I can shoot for the one in September.
It hasn't been a great stretch since I got started back in October.

I haven't gotten any bundles yet.
Not sure that I'll have enough by then, either.
I haven't been active enough during the event.

@dragoness129: Too true.
I have an etsy shop with mostly crocheted stuff.
I'm currently stocking up for a local craft fair, and whatever I don't sell there I will be putting up online.
Fingers crossed it helps out my sells.
@Totalanimefan: Hopefully you get another chance to photograph the again.
Oh man, I completely forgot that event currency was still a thing!
I've more than doubled my earnings just during this competition. :o

@dragoness129: That's a pretty nice schedule.
Sounds pretty darned ideal.

I was only 4 away! D'

@Totalanimefan: How was your game earlier?
@dragoness129: Honestly, I'd probably turn the job down if the manager was poopy about it.
I'm just wanting something small to get funds for random stuff while I try to get my small business off the ground.

Ah, that's the worst. :C
Did you see if you could find them on ebay or something??
@dragoness129: Interesting.
I guess I understand where they're coming from.
But it still kind of sucks if you find something you absolutely love.
