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Looks like we're tying, with team Hadsvich holding a slight advantage.
@Phantasma: Woot!
Have a good night~~~
@Phantasma: You're only 2 steps away!!!
@Totalanimefan: I'm up to 1,174 sugar cubes.
@Ava: Oh man.
That's definitely the downfall to working from home, huh?
@Ava: You forgot you had to work???
How? :o
@Kent: Lol.
You're on both sides of the debate, then. :vanora_xd:
@Phantasma: Oh, that's interesting.
Do you ever get something you don't like?
@Phantasma: Oh man, that sounds good.
We had pizza the other day and it was awesome.
What toppings did you get?
@dragoness129: Thank you~

@Glume: Lol. I didn't even think about that.
Honestly, I thought the yarn was going to change colors sooner and it would have more rainbow vibes.
But they're pretty tiny and cute, anyway.

@Kent: Oh my glob, I made the same comment while I was making the first one!
My boyfriend said they reminded him of the male anatomy, before I put the eyes on.
@Phantasma: Pretty alright. Just enjoying an adult beverage and making enchiladas.
@Kent: Finally finished the green one.
Here are the four I've made so far:

I used this pattern, if anyone else crochets and was interested.
@Totalanimefan: I do the puzzles here and there, but they're too time consuming and my plate is too full to get more than a hundred or so in one sitting.
Okay, I'm going to take a break so I can finish this alien, get dinner started, and take a picture of my alien boys for Kent.

Probably going to try to make a little cat while I'm at it, too.