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@dragoness129: I'd definitely rather work in the back, rn.
Podcasts and lack of awkward conversations.

@dragoness129: At least you know what's going out before it goes out.
Do you get a discount or free clothes??

Oh, ew to the underwear!
But also, that sounds like a pretty manageable part time job.
I might have to look into that when I get this whole driving thing down.
@dragoness129: Oh glob, no! D;
That would give me the heebies.
Man, if there were an award for most zeros. :vanora_xd:
@dragoness129: Thank you. Lol.
I could definitely use it. xD

@dragoness129: That's fair.
I didn't even consider animal urine soaked clothes.
That would be the absolute worst. D:

I'm pretty sure I've rolled almost 10 of them, at this point. :vanora_cry:
:vanora_angry: :vanora_angry: :vanora_angry:
@dragoness129: Do you guys toss stuff that has to be washed, or are you able to clean it before putting it out?
I've always wondered, cause I'm sure not everyone is considerate enough to actually drop off clean clothes.

@dragoness129: Oh man, I'm sure the podcasts save you, then.
They're how I get through mundane house chores.
And how I got through the end of day money processing when I worked at Walmart.
Absolute life savers.

3 zeros in a row is harsh. Lol.

@dragoness129: That blows.
Does it at least make it feel like the time flies by, since you're constantly moving?
Now the eyes are giving me difficulties. =/