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You could probably make it with mostly just commons.
There has to be. It's such a simple outfit.
It's doing a good job and playing games.
I'm convinced 565 isn't a number.
Oh man, people are getting close!
@Static: I vote for door #1!
@Starlight: Thank you for pointing it out!
I had a ditzy moment. :vanora_sweat:
Aw man, I'm just short of affording the new item!
I vote for door #1
@Kent: We are
I always double take the double digit rolls to make sure they didn't accidentally put 100. Lol.
I think the closest I've noticed is 655?
@Totalanimefan: I'm doing quite well today, actually.
Most of yesterday I had a migraine, so I'm appreciating having a clear, pain free head today.
How are you doing?
@Kory: I hope you're feeling in good spirits today. <3
Sorry I poofed last night.
My presence was requested elsewhere and I ended up passing out before I was able to get back on here.