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Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 2 years ago
    I'd love to buy the Year of the Monkey from you, if it's still available.
Posted in Hello Posted 2 years ago
    Welcome to the site.
    Do you have any particular favorites when it comes to games? Or ones that you find yourself returning to repeatedly?
Posted in Remember to check in on your nemesis! Posted 2 years ago

    I've got to hear the story behind this.

    If I had a nemesis, I don't know that I would spare a thought for them. I'd have to be all-in, or all-out.
    I'm looking forward to the summer and for the opportunities that come as the year progresses. I'll be awaiting some exam results and regardless, I hope I'll be able to withstand the conclusion. I'm also going to visit a friend before they move out of the country so it's going to be a little bittersweet but I also know that this is a great opportunity for them.

    I'd also really like to plant some lavender or herbs. And barbecue. A lot of barbecue.
Posted in I know woman's history month is over but... Posted 2 years ago
    Everyone is always trying to turn pizza into a calzone.
    Totinos is just a very, very, very small calzone.

    That being said, it's interesting to learn. There isn't really much information on her despite all the big donations in Minnesota.
    @kiwi: (≧▽≦)
    Oh, how wretched! I just don't understand how some people can be such animals; it's absolutely bewildering sometimes. There's this restaurant/bar review on yelp I read where some woman complained that she was double-charged for a drink. Well, the owner had to clap back and reminder that she was so intoxicated that she not only (a) did order several drinks, but also (b) shit herself in a booth and then proceeded to leave her shitty pants/underwear in the washroom. Whether this is true or not is up in the air, but honestly, I believe it after the stuff you see people do.

    @Q t e a p o n: I never understood the people who try to make "public" spaces their own private rooms. Like the people who try to work on sensitive work in a busy cafe, or have sensory issues that decide to camp out in the entrance of a busy hall. I always think they just like to start messing, you know? (¬‿¬ )

    It felt like Covid really enabled the people who are mal-adjusted. We had so many unhinged adults just throw tantrums both over Covid and following the re-opening. If you hadn't seen the videos, it was of this woman banging on and then proceeding to lick the glass door of a bar because she wasn't allowed in, that one woman screaming about her constitutional right to shop at Trader Joe's, etc., you get the picture. Don't you just wish that cashiers had a trap-door button on their registers? One boop, boop, boop and they could just open a trap door and an unruly customer just drops into a pit of expired coupons.

    @Aisukohi: Whaaat is with people?! How embarrassing. (/▿\ )
    I love a good rage-quit story, but they're always so much more embarrassing than you initially think. No one just has a blow out and quits, they always try to destroy things or hurt other employees.
    One of the things I like to ask people--after the obligatory greetings and small-talk how-do-you-dos--is what their wildest work story is. I've heard (and even experienced) some interesting ones. From a person coming into the ER with a screwdriver in a place it has no business (the person thought it would help with bowel movements, go figure), to witnessing an epic meltdown of a coworker. Sometimes I just want to hear what the craziest thing they've seen is, or what kind of customer left them with an unforgettable experience--good or bad.

    It's usually bad, let's be honest. Something about those cringeworthy experiences just stay with you.

    What are some of your most eye-popping work experiences?
    Do these things happen often for you? How did you react when it happened?
Posted in Favorite video game? Posted 2 years ago
    I would say that my favorites have been the Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon series. I also enjoyed the Rune Factory games that are still designed more classically; they just have a cute aesthetic and a nice balance between farming, battle, crafting, and story.

    Recently I've been playing Graveyard Keeper, and while I do enjoy this game, it frequently shuts down my Switch and lags terribly so I can't really say it's a favorite.
Posted in What video games have you been playing lately? Posted 2 years ago
    Graveyard Keeper.
Posted in Shows You're Watching? Posted 2 years ago
    I'm watching the mini-docu series on Netflix called "Dominique Olivier: Accessory to Evil." It's about a prolific pedophile serial killer who terrorized the border of Belgium and France in the early 2000s. Dominique is his wife who helped him find victims. She's just wretched.
    Moving to different geographical areas seems to have that effect. I'm from the north and when I moved south for school I had some bad allergies because of all the new flora. Then I moved across the country and I'm introduced to completely new plants and environments so my poor head feels like a balloon whenever it's windy here. And it's windy often. //laughs

    That being said, I hope your allergies clear up smoothly and you get better sleep tonight.

    I've only ever caught little tidbits about women's roles in World War II. Didn't sex workers contribute greatly to the spy network for allies? I'd have to re-read the information but I think entertainers did a lot, too; developing codes, passing on information, etc.
Posted in Living Alone Posted 2 years ago
    Moving out on your own can be exhilarating just as much as it can feel overwhelming and a bit scary. But there's nothing to fear, especially if your adequately prepare yourself. Perhaps if you start by just browsing some apartments in an area you would like to live (assuming that you're going to rent). It's going to cost more and significantly limit your options if you plant to bring or buy a pet but at least seeing what's available and what the cost will be can give you a goal for saving enough money or ensuring that your work is paying you enough to cover rent and any affiliated expenses (utilities, renter's insurance, etc.).

    Most of the little things you figure out as you go; furniture, etc.
    While I can't recommend having a roommate, the benefit of having one is that you can split the rent and utilities. The downside is that they're another human being who come with all their own idiosyncrasies and it's a real grab-bag of what you get.
Posted in [Selling] Everything? Posted 2 years ago
    @cashew: Ohh, if you're willing to sell the Year of the Monkey, Year of the Pig, and the Year of the Rooster, I'd love to buy them. They're in the 3rd cluster, column 11, 12 and 13 respectively.

    Let me see if I can find some kind of price guide, otherwise, please name a price you're comfortable with.

    Edit: Ah, so it looks like from the price guide, they're items from the 2020 Common Plasma Orb. The last sale reported to that thread was by the user Tsundererra on 02.27.2020; each item was 3k. Please feel welcome to set a higher price.
Posted in First tattoo! Posted 2 years ago
    I think in another life I would be covered in tattoos.

    I hope yours goes well and you heal smoothly!