Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
(Oooh I would be very curious to see how that would go exactly.)
She was a little nervous to be actually doing this, but determination filled her up. She was going to do this, she was going to get them out of here because who knew what her father was planning behind bars. He was a powerful man, and she didn't want to stick around to see who he sent after them both. "I can help you over here ma'am." A male voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh...okay." She looked at Allen and walked with him to the teller's booth. "How can I be of help to you today ma'am?" The man asked. "I...w-well I'd like to make a withdrawal. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to withdrawal at a time though." She explained. "Well I can help you with that, no problem. Do you have your bank card with you and your ID?" The man asked. With a nod, Kaneko rummaged into her purse and pulled out both cards then slid them over to him.
The man thanked her and started punching some numbers into his computer. "Alright Kaneko, the limit is five hundred but seeing as how you have an ID and it's valid, you are able to make a larger withdrawal if you'd like." The man explained. Kaneko thought about this and shook her head. "Five hundred is fine, thank-you." She answered. The man nodded and handed her back her cards. "Just slip in the card into the machine please and state the amount you wish to withdraw." Kaneko followed the instructions and when she was allowed to remove the card, she did and put it away along with her ID. The man then counted her the five hundred dollars and handed it over. "Here you are. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" Kaneko smiled and took the money, quickly shoving it in her purse. "No, that's all thank-you." She answered. "Have a good day." The man said. With that, Kaneko took Allen's hand and started walking out of there. Now she needed to buy him some clothes. She wasn't sure what size he wore but just looking at him should give her a good enough idea. "Well that's one less thing to do now." She said quietly. The warmth of the sun greeted them when they stepped out of the bank. Kaneko knew where to go, a clothing store purely for men. She was sure they'd find something there.
She was a little nervous to be actually doing this, but determination filled her up. She was going to do this, she was going to get them out of here because who knew what her father was planning behind bars. He was a powerful man, and she didn't want to stick around to see who he sent after them both. "I can help you over here ma'am." A male voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh...okay." She looked at Allen and walked with him to the teller's booth. "How can I be of help to you today ma'am?" The man asked. "I...w-well I'd like to make a withdrawal. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to withdrawal at a time though." She explained. "Well I can help you with that, no problem. Do you have your bank card with you and your ID?" The man asked. With a nod, Kaneko rummaged into her purse and pulled out both cards then slid them over to him.
The man thanked her and started punching some numbers into his computer. "Alright Kaneko, the limit is five hundred but seeing as how you have an ID and it's valid, you are able to make a larger withdrawal if you'd like." The man explained. Kaneko thought about this and shook her head. "Five hundred is fine, thank-you." She answered. The man nodded and handed her back her cards. "Just slip in the card into the machine please and state the amount you wish to withdraw." Kaneko followed the instructions and when she was allowed to remove the card, she did and put it away along with her ID. The man then counted her the five hundred dollars and handed it over. "Here you are. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" Kaneko smiled and took the money, quickly shoving it in her purse. "No, that's all thank-you." She answered. "Have a good day." The man said. With that, Kaneko took Allen's hand and started walking out of there. Now she needed to buy him some clothes. She wasn't sure what size he wore but just looking at him should give her a good enough idea. "Well that's one less thing to do now." She said quietly. The warmth of the sun greeted them when they stepped out of the bank. Kaneko knew where to go, a clothing store purely for men. She was sure they'd find something there.

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 6 years ago
@kiwi: Your avatar is cute!
Yas, Elliot is a beautiful boy. Heheh
Thank-you! I think it's about time I get into the spooky spirit though.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Hello! How have you been?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
The bank wasn't that far off. She just hoped it wasn't too busy. Sometimes there was a long line, sometimes it was abandoned. Hopefully that would be the case today. The sun was warm, it was really a nice day out today and it was a shame that Allen couldn't really appreciate it. But, you didn't need to see in order to appreciate things. His comment made her blush, "Well...I guess I just never had a reason to laugh. Life with...well life has always been very serious at home." She explained quietly. Besides, she and her father never really talked much so even though they were close, they didn't have the strongest relationship. The fresh air hit them once she opened the door and helped Allen inside then let the door go so it slowly closed behind them. There was no line but the tellers were currently busy with other people so Kaneko went to wait at the start of the line, her hand still holding on to Allen's.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Oof, I hope they don't land on lego sets. That sounds painful. x . x
Omg, they must have lived a very cramped life. I like sardines it sounds like. I have no idea how they could have done it honestly. It just sounds uncomfortable. Oh! I recently painted my room a minty blue and the doors are yellow. xD It looks nice.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 7 years ago
(Sorry for being gone for so long. School has been keeping me really busy. Dx)
"Eggs and Ham?" Clint repeated? He nodded, yes he had those things and he could easily make her some scrambled eggs with ham in them. "I will go and make you something with that then, just rest here and when the food is done I will bring it to you alright? Don't worry about anything Mads." He told her and got up then walked to the kitchen. Her food request was a strange one but only because he had expected her to ask for something bigger. Walking into the kitchen, he got a pan ready and grabbed a few eggs and some ham which he cut up into pieces. Cracking the eggs, one by one he added them into the pan and then added the bits of ham as well. He added some salt and pepper for flavor and focused on making this just right. The last thing she wanted to eat was something gross.
"Eggs and Ham?" Clint repeated? He nodded, yes he had those things and he could easily make her some scrambled eggs with ham in them. "I will go and make you something with that then, just rest here and when the food is done I will bring it to you alright? Don't worry about anything Mads." He told her and got up then walked to the kitchen. Her food request was a strange one but only because he had expected her to ask for something bigger. Walking into the kitchen, he got a pan ready and grabbed a few eggs and some ham which he cut up into pieces. Cracking the eggs, one by one he added them into the pan and then added the bits of ham as well. He added some salt and pepper for flavor and focused on making this just right. The last thing she wanted to eat was something gross.

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago
@yuracye: Yeah trying to be active is tough. Especially when I have school to worry about. D:
Awww, nuuu don't let it get to you! ; n ;
I'm really bad at math so this accounting class of mine always makes me so nervous.
I just step inside the class and it's just like...ugh. I feel as if everyone is watching me and silently judging. ; n ;
Hmm, it IS weird but I mean that's still pretty cool right? xD
Yeah! D: It's like...wth? How can they expect one person to know everything? I'd like to see them try.
Jeez, I would just ask if my kid was doing good or bad. You know, simple questions. No need to get down to the nitty gritty of it all. D:
No one liked talking about the details anyway. That just ends up confusing people anyway. Dx
@Kiwi: Thank-you! I tried my best. I don't love it, I prefer the Elliot avi honestly. lol
But I really wanted to play with these colors.

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago
@yuracye: It's totally okay. I was distracted with helping my dad out with something anyway. I hope you had a fun stream! :D
Oh my gosh really? That's horrible!
At least the teacher got fired though. There must have been many complaints. Lol
Yes, anything is possible if you just believe! (I think that's a Peter Pan quote but I can't remember.)
Eh, parents are the worst. Super nosy and like to pretend they know everything when it's clear that they don't know jack. Pfft.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Poor thing. TT n TT
Hmm that's a very good idea cause then you could get it the litter box and maybe one of those scratching posts too. :o
Oh wow really? Yo, they must have been wizards.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Oh no! That's the absolute worst! D: I am so sorry. I can imagine how hard that must be. Poor little guy...or girl. ; n ;
At least, now if you get a pet then that won't happen again. I hope so anyway.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Ohhh okay I see. That's really neat though. Collectors, awesome! An older car would be a good option, those don't usually have much energy so your guys' stuff should be safe. Hehe
I dunno if I'll get pets again once my cats you know...pass. D:

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: You don't have any pets?
Must be very quiet where you live then huh?

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Ugh, she's being super annoying right now.
I like cats, they're just so cute.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@tehrin: Well at least you're trying. :D
Hah, thank-you! I have two grey tabbies and one calico. All females.