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Posted in [CLOSED] Posted 6 years ago
@okios: POOL B

Oh my god what am I doing my inner lurker is in tears
But seriously thank you for making this event, I've had a lot of fun posting in all the new threads that people have been making.

Posted in ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: I'll try my best. Honestly having this agreement also makes me feel less nervous, haha.
But let me know, would you prefer if it was on the sketchier/messier side or cleaner? I feel like I lean either way when it comes to ink.
And I'm looking for OC art! 1 2

***I'm updating the front page in regards to pricing; basically just opening up/clarifying the option to pick your price after the piece is finished, a.k.a what Apollo and I just worked out***

@Dipper: Is this the part where I admit to stalking the Inktober thread
I'm not going to push you, but I just wanted to put the option out there.
I like your art! I'd bid in your auction if it wasn't already out of the budget of my entire life's savings on Voltra

Thank you Lydia!

Posted in [x] Posted 6 years ago
Ah I never got around to Artemis Fowl. I think it's because there were a lot of them and I never knew where to start? It was hard to read any kind of series at my library because books were always missing or perpetually checked out (waiting list of 20+ people are you serious). Is it still worth reading now?

The voice actor was Miyu Irino. He's pretty prolific, but off the top of my head I know he voiced Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Haku from Spirited Away. Nice guy, great voice actor. Props to the fans who slept on concrete with city rats at 3am, I respect that. But I don't think I was a big enough fan to justify doing that myself...

Posted in [x] Posted 6 years ago
Hmm maybe I should get around to reading the rest of the Unwind series then... I feel like it's been a long time since I read a proper book.

Oh man, I wish I could remember the names of those books if only to warn you to stay away from them, haha. I hardly remember anything about them other than that I was sorely disappointed while reading them. (And my standards in middle school were pretty low let's be honest, so... that's saying something) Those memories probably left me for a good reason.

I realized that I didn't answer your question from the first post, but going to meet people that I don't really follow is definitely something I've done more than once. I literally slept in a parking lot in the shadiest part of town while waiting in line to meet a voice actor. I don't think I'll ever do anything like that ever again, that was definitely a low point

Posted in ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: No offense taken, I totally understand where you're coming from. I can't really say that I have much in the way of proper ink examples, because most of it amounts to doodles that I don't think would be very representative (I mean I barfed out this thing for Inktober 5 minutes ago but it's also just a doodle??)

I don't want to disappoint you either, so how about this? I'll finish the drawing and then you can decide what you want to pay afterwards, does that sound fair? And well if that doesn't work out, then we'll go by the policy in the first post, haha


Thanks Shark!

Being awake this long almost feels like death tbh

(Also, Kent, I realized that I pinged you in one of my other posts and I'm sorry about that!! I was on autopilot and totally forgot ahhh)

Posted in Q&A with Moody Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Coincidentally, my earliest childhood memory is also of me falling head first into something and having to go get stitches, haha
I suppose it's difficult to forget those kinds of experiences even if you were very young.

Posted in Q&A with Moody Posted 6 years ago
What's your earliest childhood memory (that you're comfortable with sharing)?

Posted in Experimental cooking Posted 6 years ago
That sounds really good! I love the idea of putting food in containers made of food. That seems really specific, but bread bowls and and things like cookie cups are neat to look at and also fun to eat.

I'm not much of an experimental cook (uh I can barely just... cook). The most "experimenting" I'll do is going out of my comfort zone to try a recipe, which isn't really experimenting at all, haha. Sometimes I'll just throw everything into a pot and attempt to turn it into a stew/soup does that count??

Posted in [x] Posted 6 years ago
His name sounded immediately familiar, so I looked him up and I have read at least one of his books! Unwind, specifically (I didn't know it was a series?)

When I was in elementary/middle school, I'd go to the public library and just randomly pick up books from the YA section that sounded interesting. I read a lot of books during that time, most of which I don't even remember (and some of which were... very bad), but I remembered that I liked Unwind a lot. It was definitely a good dystopian novel for my edgy middle school self.

Also while I was skimming Wikipedia, I saw that it was labeled as "biopunk", sign me up for that genre wow

Posted in ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Dipper: Wow this is such a mood because this is me @ all the other shops in this forum
Buuut we can... art trade?? An option for our poor souls!!

@Apollo Im Burning: I'll accept your request but ummm 20k sounds like a lot?? I mean I know next to nothing about the economy but that's a lot of zeros

Posted in AC: Pocket Camp Halloween Posted 6 years ago
I'm actually really hoping that they bring some of the new items (and structures) from Pocket Camp to the Switch version. The designs are just too good to be locked away in a mobile game, haha. I'm hoping that the customization options from Happy Home Designer will be included too, like ceiling fixtures and window designs.

Posted in ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed] Posted 6 years ago
@apollo im burning: oops yeah I definitely let this thing sit here longer than intended, haha
Thanks for waiting though!!

Kent: Thankyouthankyou
I'm happy to see Haikyuu fans here, I'm missing this show all over again

@Hazer: You got it! I'm looking forward to drawing the bow, I think it'll be fun! I'll work on it over the week and maybe post WIPs??

@kiwi: Ink is my favorite! There's something very satisfying about the way it goes onto paper so boldly. There's also something very nerve-wracking about the fact that you can't erase it or cover it, but that's also exciting. I'd put ink on everything and everywhere if no one stopped me whoops

@okios: hi nice to meet you my name is fire emblem trash

Posted in ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed] Posted 6 years ago
All right, it's open. Ummm let's see how this goes
