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Posted in To buy or not to buy Posted 5 years ago


I've got my eyes on an 11 inch ipad pro that's on sale for $674 on amazon
with the apple pencil 2, this would all end up being like 800 ish probably, after taxes and such.

I have a cintiq 22HD but its bulky and has to remain plugged into my pc. I want an ipad so I can draw while I'm stuck at school or at work, or just wherever I'm not at my pc. its pure luxury.

My mother says that ordering electronics during holiday season is too risky because they are more mass-produced, so the quality might be more faulty or fragile than normal?
Is this a thing?
Think this is a good deal?

the 11 inch also has less memory on it than the 12 inch, but if I'm only using it for drawing, I dont imagine it would really make much difference but idk
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
ohh yeah I think you're right. hmm I should pop open that game again soon xD I bet all my favorite villagers left by now

@miss sandman:
yes, and the most satisfying <3 I loved snacking on the sugar snap peas that my bf would grow. They were so sweet

Oh my, I'll have to keep an eye out for them. I wonder if they have them in colorado O:
probably not this season, for sure
I really like the star jasmines look. so unique <3
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@miss sandman:
Yes! When my bf was still living with his dad, they would always grow vegetables in the garden. He got his dad to love gardening so he is still growing things that he can cook
Its fun

@priestess of pie:
Oooh I've seen those a lot. They're really pretty <3
Is it sad though that my first thought is animal crossing when I see them lmao they look like these purple flowers (possibly meant to be irises) that I planted around my house in the game
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

I think I've never actually identified what a lily looked like. So pretty! I do like tulips as well

@miss sandman:
Yes! my bf actually likes gardening. Apparently he had an agriculture class when he was in highschool and he had a lot of fun with it.
When we get our own place he wants to have a garden too
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

I've only had bad experiences with dentists. Like when I had one filling done and they decided they didn't need to numb me only because the cavity wasn't sensitive.
and another time where they drilled and left a hole in my tooth during a cleaning?? So hopefully this time doesn't go poorly xD
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@miss sandman:
I see! Thank you for the information, its very interesting :D
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

Gross, dentists. I have to see one in a couple of weeks about a possible wisdom tooth infection ;;
good luck!
I just opened 4 but I should stop and save my volts some more for secret santa
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@miss sandman:
Ohh, that is a great idea! ^^ And they look so elegant, I love the dark red
I could imagine its hard to keep flowers through the winter and snows
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@miss sandman:
THey have black dahlias?! Sooo pretty!
Why does it snow so much here, I would love to make a garden of flowers haha
although admittedly I don't know a lot about growing anything!
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

@miss sandman:
Forget me nots are really cute <3

That's so cool you're a florist! Dahlias must be too heavy on top for their stems
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

Austin is exactly where I was thinking of trying first
According to my dean, my license should definitely work in texas when I get it. If not, I'll probably have to take additional classes.

Thanks <3 these colors are pleasing to me eyes
Posted in How pretty are these <3 Posted 5 years ago

Dahlias have been my favorite flowers ever since the first time I saw them, back when I was a kid, sitting at a tea table with a lady in england. This little flower was the centerpiece and I couldn't get over how cute it was. kind of like a lolipop

What's your favorite flower? show pictures lets make this thread gorgeous :D

also this one matches my avi
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I left behind a bunch of friends too. But also a couple of dangerous stalkers, so it was a good choice lmao
I have plans after I graduate to save up here (CO has a higher min wage) and then move to the south again. Probably texas somewhere, I enjoyed my time there a lot. Just.. not live by Houston again cause they cray

I very much miss living in a 'big place' like cities and such, with lots of people. there are a lot of people here but in a tiny squeeze and it still gets that small town effect sometimes.

These orbs look cooool! <3
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

Ohhh another floridian xD yeah I grew up around orlando/sanford and deltona areas for the most part. I moved a lot though.
but yeah, now I'm northern CO and its a big culture change for me! plus snow. the autumns are amazing, albeit short cause it usually starts snowing around october