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Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
Oh yeah? I just figured I'd literally hold onto the thing until I figure out which item in it I want xD
the volts were burning a hole in my pocket
and thank you! I'm curious!
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
I sadly dont have any time to go to the library before this is due. So I dropped 40 bucks on ink to my moms printer to get this thing (library being closed when I had time to to this lmao)
I'll at least have tomorrow night to fiddle with it. for now, time to relax finally

I wish I read that before throwing 3 of my 5k into an orb that i dont even know what it is
but hey. Its mine now.
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
I love moving usually (although this one was less wanted so I felt grump) but yeah, its a bit hectic with work and school added. I have the most supportive group at school though :D and one classmate brought her dog in to class last week that pretty much increased my will to live tremendously

Also -screech- take 1 of brochure print failed
I must have inserted the ink cartridge wrong somehow ;; magenta's being a butt
(its not a proper brochure fold rn, teach said I can do without that)

also realizing my paper is not A4 sized.

secret santa is a good idea! It might be a mini one, but I'm sure people will be happy to join in. maybe start with an interest check
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
would be more fun if I had enough time to go all out with it. But, luckily my teacher is understanding that life's been chaotic recently xD
I had to up and move very suddenly, while also about to hit a 40 hour work week, plus finals ect. But I'm very happy the move is done and I got to hook up my drawing tablet today <3

you should do it! I have less classes in december so I might even be able to join in~
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
I'm doing great! working on a brochure for one of my finals ;v;
hows it going with you?
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
Yeah like last week I was blastin AC in my car and this week im hugging the dashboard trying to soak up its heat
gotta love how weather works.
Although I'm a bit worried about some storm warnings tomorrow, I might end up stranded at my school if it snows too much again. At least my teacher has the warmest class in the building ;;
Posted in My favorite thing this week (whats yours?) Posted 5 years ago
Its one of my favorites from her <3 she is DEFINITELY doing wedding photos when that happens for me
i also have my own art on my walls and prints my sis usually gets for me when she's off at conventions. Happy walls

oh my
could I bother you for pics cause omg baby kitties <33
Posted in My favorite thing this week (whats yours?) Posted 5 years ago
Awww I'm glad for your bunny!! and wallet

Oh, how lucky! This week is busier for me
Next week will be worse, trying to fit 40 hours of job in with college finals AND a holiday.

That sounds lovely. I also adore your post layout :D so cute

Awesome!! I love posting up art/photos from my family. I have a canvas print of a photo my mom took back in our home state. Its this beachy sunset with silhouettes of palm trees

I used to love watching ice skating as a kid. Recently figured I should probably watch it again <3
Its so pretty

I swear that show was one of my favorite things as a kid
I have a hard time getting into it again now, though

aww how old is your kitten?
Posted in My favorite thing this week (whats yours?) Posted 5 years ago
So, I work for Target atm. We got in those new pokemon starter plushies, and my bf and I just got the game last week when it came out. So I thought I'd pick up the two that we chose (Grookey for him and Sobble for me) as a little cute surprise.
He came to pick me up at the end of the night and I had already told him I had a surprise, so he was all "WHATS IN THE BAG HUH"
I whipped out Grookey and he was so excited he literally started to tear up a bit
He didn't expect it at all
And I now joke that apparently I proposed with a plush toy cause that was almost an accurate response if so

But yeah, I've been giggling for days about it. Wanted to share something happy during these crazy holiday times lmao

What's your favorite moment this week? Or even this month. Lemme hear it!
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
@Princess creep:
Heya, welcome to the site (and thread)! I'm fairly new too :D
How's it going?

Same, its all snowy again today. Supposed to snow again monday too, when I have to be driving around everywhere
Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago
Eep, I have vanished! Suddenly had to move across town with little notice. Slowly getting my life all organized again :'D
Then I can have time to chat on here again.
I also have another final next week on top of 40 hour work week so RIP I'll be dead for a little while longer
Posted in What ethical dilemmas do/have you had? Posted 5 years ago
I love traveling around by bus or train, honestly. It's healthier using your own two legs a bit more anyway!

Also, as it turns out, this bit wasn't even meant to be my homework. Information got mixed up and this is meant to be discussed during class NEXT week, with everyone together. Rather than writing it out alone But she liked my papers of car rants.

@Miss Sandman:
Aww I'm happy for you!! Soon!

Yeah, I actually watched a video somewhere saying that its better to not recycle at all, than to recycle incorrectly. Because of the issue we've had with china denying our recycling and its becoming too much for workers to have to sift through it all.
I just want to stop using single use plastics all together~

That's a tricky one indeed. Maybe the counselor can advise you on how to help her while still showing fairness?

That kinda makes me think of my housemate's daughter. She's 10 but she can barely write or spell and her reading is pretty rough. Her teachers become really impatient and rude toward her, not helping the situation at all. I'm sure they probably face the similar dilemma "should I hold her back or not?"

But on the other hand, she has a mother who is not very encouraging. She's very passive aggressive while the kid is trying to get through homework, and just keeps complaining "just get it done so I can go to bed" and "you spelled that wrong. come on, just get it right" kind of things like... I suspect the kid is just dyslexic and under a lot of stress that her mom piles on. Then her inability to focus comes in..

I wonder how similar this case could be to your student? How are they learning at home, what kind of rudeness or distractions are they dealing with?
Posted in Do some people ever just... Annoy you? Posted 5 years ago
Sometimes its not what people say, but the vibe that they give off. I like to believe that there's a reason my mind naturally wants to avoid certain people while I can put up with others. There's just something about them and gods know what, but do I really want to find out

Dunno if vibes from typing are a true feel, but maybe its just something like that (plus what they're saying is simply annoying). Its relateable!
thank you