Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria stopped and turned to look at them, having heard them," If I had left you in the middle of the forest with no warning, you would have been upset too." She said, using a calm voice,"No, I'm not mad at you. And you having fun isn't bad and you KNOW I don't think it's bad. The least you could have done was say'Wait here, we'll be right back. We are going to have a race.' Or whatever it was you guys were doing. I'm glad to see you're having fun. I just wish you guys would have said something first."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria looked down, seeing how frustrated Lyle had looked. She didn't say anything else and just headed towards the house quietly, feeling absolutely defeated. She always seemed to unintentionally ruin things. Maybe she should just leave and go back to her hometown where her family was. Then Lyle wouldn't get frustrated with her anymore. She would miss him to much though, even when all this was going on.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

"I didn't know if you were going to come back yet." Aria said,"I assumed you guys wanted to ride along together without me. So I came back here. I would have waited if you guys had asked me to, but since you didn't, I felt coming back here was the better idea other then just waiting around in the woods for something to happen." She leaned against Shayla gently,"I hadn't meant to cause any worry." She sighed,"Maybe I should stop horseback riding. All it ever seems to do is make people worry about me."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Please Lock
Posted 7 years ago

OMG T^T Why can't I have more Ohms? >.<
but living takes true courage.

Posted in (S)old!
Posted 7 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

"I can just walk to your farm and take care of them. It's not too far away." Shayla murmured, laying her head on her arms, face down in the table.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria was, brushing her horse and putting her saddle away. She fed her horse an apple she had brought out with her, before seeing them return,"Glad your back." She said, gently brushing her horse some more,"Did you two have fun doing whatever you were doing?" She wasn't mad exactly, it was nice to see Lyle having fun for a change. She just wished they hadn't had just left her behind like that. If they wanted to hang out without her, all they had to do was say so.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria watched them race off, leaving her alone on the trail,"Really?" She asked,more to herself than to anyone in general. She shook her head and had Shayla turn around to head home. She couldn't understand why they just left her like that. She was glad they were getting along though.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria noticed the guys seemed further behind, so she had Shayla slow down to a stop and looked around, wondering what on earth they were doing.She was worried she might have gotten separated from them or even lost again. She knew she wasn't lost at least, she knew where she was and where the path was going to take them. But she felt like something was happening that she didn't know about.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

She hugged him back and shook her head,"No not really." She said quietly, sitting down with him. You could tell by her eyes she had been crying.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

After making sure she took care of everything, she changed her clothes and went to the cafe to meet with Stefan.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

shayla nodded,"I gotta take care of my animals first. I'll be back over in a bit." She said, hurrying off towards her farm. Once she was inside her house and alone, she sank in a chair and cried quietly. How was she going to act like this would be okay? How would she deal with losing her boyfriend-now here close friend- and her best friend in the same weekend? After a few moments, she washed her face, went to take care of her animals and watered her crops.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

Shayla hugged him gently,"I know. And you should go so you can see her." She said gently,"The timing just really sucks. But what can you do?" She sighed, calming down a bit,"Chase and I will always be friends at least. It just sucks."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

Shayla couldn't stop her tears,"I knew it." She murmured quietly,"I'm not mad, so please don't think that. It just sucks...I've lost my boyfriend and now my best friend has to go too..."
but living takes true courage.