Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

It was still early in the new school year, only a few weeks in, and Kagome was frustrated. She and InuYasha were partners. And again, while she worked to get things done, he slacked off. It caused them to have a fight the night before. Kagome ended the conversation with,"I'll do it myself. Like ALWAYS. " In a moment of frustration, her cell phone broke. She had just gone to bed and tried to forget about it. She was walking with Sango to school and telling her about it when the remains of her phone fell out of her backpack. She sighed to her,"I wish he understood how important this year is." She said to Sango, who listened quietly to her vent,"It's like he doesn't care at all..."
Sayuri was running a big late thus morning. She had enough time to get a granola bar before hurrying off to school. She was still learning where everything was and hoped she wouldn't get lost today. She looked like a mean girl, but it wasn't the case. She had a rough time since her family moved to town and she hoped things got better soon.
Sayuri was running a big late thus morning. She had enough time to get a granola bar before hurrying off to school. She was still learning where everything was and hoped she wouldn't get lost today. She looked like a mean girl, but it wasn't the case. She had a rough time since her family moved to town and she hoped things got better soon.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

This is an rp based on the anime Inuyasha with the main characters all being from Kagome's time. We know only Kagome has an actual last name and these are the for the sake of the rp.

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.

Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.
Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****
but living takes true courage.

Posted in (S)Static Set, Other Items
Posted 7 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Totally! I just need one more TTOTT
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Niamh: I pmed you..... I'm sorry :'(
Still looking for right now >.<
Still looking for right now >.<
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [thread will be recycled]
Posted 7 years ago

(No it won't...unless you want it to :'( )
but living takes true courage.

Posted in (S)Static Set, Other Items
Posted 7 years ago

@Vesta Rose: Im so sorry for the late response! Just found out I could log on on my phone x.x and sure. Send a trade request please.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria agreed with Lyle,"It really is." She said as they walked. She went with them into the study and sat down, looking up at Troy,"How have you been?" She asked with a smile,"Doing alright?" She wasn't sure what else to ask. She had finished most of her classes but didn't want to bore him about them, or Lyle with them for that matter.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled and nodded,"That would be wonderful." she said,"I've been looking forward to this visit for a while now so the three of us could visit with each other." She finished up her hot chocolate and thanked them again for it before getting to her feet to follow Troy.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled, blushing lightly,"Thank you, Your Highness." she said with a curtsey,"It was by accident we chose the same colors, but I thought it was a wonderful surprise myself." She thanked the serpent who handed her a mug of hot chocolate. She sipped on it quietly as the adults talked, waiting for Troy to greet them.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled and thanked him, carefully getting out of the carriage with his help. She looked around in amazement. It was beautiful there, just like home, but with obvious differences. She looked over at Lyle,"This will be a wonderful visit." she said with a smile.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

She let him choose the book she read from and started from chapter one,"Damien Scott was just a normal boy, or that's what he always thought. Until everything changed on the night of his 18th birthday..." she read it like she always did, doing different voices for characters and all. They got to chapter seven when she looked up,"I think we are arriving." she said
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled and kissed his cheek gently,"You haven't messed anything up, silly. This takes both of us to work on and I'm going to do what I can to help fix things." she leaned against him,"If you want, I can read one of these out we use to." She smiled,"I've missed spending time with you. But I know you've been helping your father with things so I understand."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria nodded,"I am too." she said, letting him go as she saw he was reading again. She kissed his cheek and went back to her book too, leaning against him gently as she read,"I can move back over if I'm bothering your reading.'' she said softly
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria moved over to sit beside him, hugging him gently,"I know things have been unsteady lately." she said quietly,"But I do want this to work. More than anything. " She hated when they didn't talk. She hated their stupid fights. She hated all of that. She was going to do whatever it took to make things work out. She hoped he knew that.
but living takes true courage.