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Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
Oh wow I feel your struggle on sleeping through 2 alarms.... I wish you luck at work ;A; hope you survive even though you're tired
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Ahhh yes ! ^^ I look forward to trying my best!
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
Oh no! I like to finish first and then get the whole trade thing done ^^
Posted in Mystic Messenger Posted 7 years ago
Ahh so true... extra cute in V's route actually! And a calling card is pretty smart.. but then you'd need one for each character :vanora_sweat: or just someone you really wanna listen to haha..
Posted in [s]oogs and [b]opes (BUYING UNWANTED COMMONS) Posted 7 years ago
@blinkini: Great ! I can finally get rid of it TuT
Posted in Mystic Messenger Posted 7 years ago
Oh if you like Saeran you're in for quite the journey!!! But yeah it is best to do it when you have alot of time, otherwise you'd miss out on alot. Some of the visual novel parts are very long. And same here! I think if I ever need a call I can try to look it up on youtube....
Posted in [s]oogs and [b]opes (BUYING UNWANTED COMMONS) Posted 7 years ago
@blinkini: Ahh would you be interested in buying the pigtails hair in cobalt? I accidentally bought 2 ^^" and I don't think I need both
Posted in Mystic Messenger Posted 7 years ago
I just finished his route ( good ending only though...) and it's full of twists and turns and very exciting, you learn alot more about Rika, V and their relationship! Also you see alot of Saeran! though....I personally have to say it was such a hard route to go through because my feelings just died.. It's also a very expensive route sadly, 300 hourglass to unlock and 15 for a missed chat...and if you want to call people...I think it was 10 per call as well? Though there is alot of voice acting, that's why they made it a bit more expensive. !
Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
Hello!!! It's understandable... inktober needs alot of time o-o but yeah it's gonna be so exciting to see everyones inktober drawings *o* so much great art
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: YOU PAY ALL THAT AND TO LIVE IN SOME APARTMENT? TAT that sounds so rough and expensive...
Smart idea... I hope they renovate and clean up the place so people can get more interested in reading again ^u^

So trueeee... I wish I had the imagination to make such cool characters...or the wallet to get themm...I don't know but I feel like paying 35 $ for a design is so much if you're just gonna draw them and not do much ?? @o@

That's amazing...I always ask for help naming my ocs..or almost always. Sometimes I just go in random name generators...
omg... well there are alot of magikarps I've heard. I never got the app myself ^^
I'm sure you can still be one! Never give up hope and always talk about cats and freak out when you see one... maybe I love cats too much...?

Cats love parkour... they do the wildest things... Now I just imagine like on the inside a cat screaming parkour as they jump around...have you seen those kitty diaries videos ? They're so cute
Ahh yeah ;A; when talking to people it's easy to forget to keep your volume down, specially with a's like you wanna talk loud enough to hear yourself but that makes you actually too loud for others...

Ahh the "you'll want kids soon" people... some people are really obsessed with others getting kids, it's weird.. like now -a days I feel like if you want a good job and home and so on, you gotta wait til you're 30 to have a kid xD and be able to support that kid.
That's also really likely...
Yeah it was. We get questions too, uuh but no one really thought it might be that.... But uuh alot of people came foward that they experienced the same, but they were lucky enough to survive the whole thing.

It iiiiis! A whole ocean between us ;A; but yeah NY seems like a really interesting place to visit! I'd be too scared to do it alone though. Otherwise I'd end up in a corner crying cause so much happening all over the place.
IKR? It feels at times like ice cream magically just appears ... I tried once to make my own ice cream ...I wanna try again, and this time use a real container for it...adgagsh a snickers ice cream sounds so good...

I think by now I figured it was the oc...not sure why you'd RP your puppy....?? Ahhh that's so interesting *o* like I haven't met anyone before that's thought through so much for their OCS....
Boken sounds really cool..and has interesting powers *o* it sounds like a super interesting story. I'd read it, if it were a book. I can't read minds sadly.
ikr? I've thought of trying to make something like that takes tons of time...
ALso...I just finished umm V's route in MM...and uh...boy... oh boy... It's more like...SUFFERING route.. pls send help
Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★ Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Doing things you never imagined doing is great though! You kinda realize what the world can offer and how many chances there are.
Well you work with wool and you use soap and warm water and you rub and scrub and rub even more to create whatever you're felting. It's stinky, your hands feel raw and you feel like you came out of the dishwasher, but! The result is worth it I think
You have tons of time if you guys ever do want to make one though~ and some people take way too many pictures @A@

Sounds like... a place straight from heaven. ... I hope you have a really good time!
Oh yeah... I imagine the building doesn't have rooms big enough for active games. When I was in...the kiddy school, we had these umm wide hallways we'd play games in. (aka, run from one wall to the other for 5 whole minutes)
Ahh, if it happens too often ;A; you should see a doctor just to be safe... it could also be dehydration since it's specific for warm temperatures =u=

I wonder if there is like a guide book to being a cat owner?? Like with cute pictures and cute facts and like general mistake sections and such...if not I am willing to make one! I've never designed a book but I mean... I'LL DO IT

That's the sad part T uT once you finish highschool and have choices... people tend to spread and usually pretty far away... and I've realized without school, there aren't that many ways to meet new people around the same age o-o
Ahh ;A; that's a bit sad.. you still have like someone you can text daily and hang out with, right?

Yeah! She was there so's sorta easy to forget..
I mean I didn't like Kevin at first cause I was rooting for Morgan and Penelope cause... a fat nerdy girl with a buff jock dude? Sign me up! But I am also glad they're just soul friends because... whatever they are, it's beautiful.
Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: pish posh, it did work! Fresh faces all over the place!
And that's good! It's nice meeting nice co-workers...was that the plan with the waffles?

Hello people that are flopping in! Nice to see you all B)
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: woah.. that's..alot... like you pay for living too right? Like rent and wifi and stuff? It's not just the school itself?? @o@
Ahh now that sounds a bit better ! It's like a private library, but specific for college books!
Omg what kind of a rubbish library is that??? Does no one invest in having a good library???

True true..... it's baffling to even think that there are 8 billion people on this planet...
Ahahaha well you're right, there are so many things that can happen! Can't always guess everything either xD

I've only ever seen them on uuh dA and alot of them are like animals and such or like really badly coloured ones so I never took much of an interest...oooor they were good but cost real money or lots of points... But after my friend got a cute one I was I want one now too... so many good designs out there...

20 ocs with M :0 well considering how many ocs you have that's not too bad ! ^^ oh I got a question, did you name all your ocs yourself? :0 or did some come with a name?
Yeah there are ! I realized once my friend asked for a M name for their Magikarps in the magikarp game...
Ahh that's a pretty name! Mine is Karina though...ahh so many people accidentally call me Katarina. (Sometimes on purpose though because like everyone knows me as the crazy cat lady and y'know Kat sounds like cat..)
Oh you're right ! K-zone is a good name for alot of things I realize that now

Ahh cats.. I think the worst one is when they jump on you when you sleep. That's terrifying...
Ahh those are good noises I've heard! Personally I hate the fan here so I close the door to not hear it. I think though, I was less sensetive before. Now I just get bothered by everything.Too noisy, too quiet, too warm, too cold..

That's are hard to look after and they scream and do other stuff that just...n o.
Same here tbh. Maybe they're smart...or good at faking they're smart but like their ego gets in the way and they just refuse to listen to patients? idk
I don't know if they did, but it was a very public case. Uuuh and I think they're like gonna do extra tests if someone comes in with an unknown problem? She had like diabetes...which she didn't know she had and that's why ...yeh. It was so sad...she was only 18 at the time ;A;

I don't think the ice cream would survive the trip all the way here to Norway T uT but thank you for the thought. I'll just have to travel more and try ice creams there...once I can
It did??? Ahh I love it when they do these things. Add tiny pieces of what it's supposed to taste like.. I just realized but I can make my own ice cream with any flavour!! :0 The hobby shop here sells like all kinds of flavour things ...

Woah! That's... so awesome... it's like different AU's right?
Wait...she dies otherwise???? well I mean everyone dies eventually but I'm guessing she doesn't die of natural causes
I live the whole concept to flesh like different routes *o* omg but it must take lots of time.
Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Aww I am enjoying 100% actually..noo....150 % even!!

Aww ;u; *gives the thread CPR* liiiiive, little one LIIIIVE
I know how you feel...I hope you can survive the last few days of work! :0