Kjemi's posts
Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Omg that sounds so cool! * o * a basket and...ahh so many cool things.. I've only uuh once tried felting?? I think that's what it's called. Made a sitting mat for myself if I ever go on a hiking trip! ^^
It's fun! Specially if you have alot of umm stickers. Im thinking if I ever get married I wanna make a scrapbook for my spouse *u* of our relationship? It'd be fun to have I think
And yeah! Though the internet or a real pro is the best place to ask for assistance
You'd be pretty safe then :0 they never give up
And ahh I don't ..I think I have a good balance? Uhh probably have alot of blue though...
Ahh I've never really had waffles with anything but uuh jam. *o* but waffles with other stuff sound so gooood.. like ice cream and syrups and ahhh
Ahh ;u; I hope it doesn't change for the worse! Rain can be a nice refreshing thing after many hot days..
Woah that sounds really scary ;A; do you know why that happens???
Woah :0 that's really awesome!!! Go you! The hard years paid off ^^
Yeah I heard that too, bout the milk! Though we did give milk..or well grandma gave milk to the cats a few times...and the dogs and they seemed to be ok ^^ though it wasn't 'all the time or that often so maybe it's not as dangerous is small doses? I remember also my mom uuh giving our first cat condensed milk but..like watered ? Not the sweet kind! Just condensed milk with lots of water... but only when she was a kitten. I think we got her a bit too early ?
Yeah ;u; a young ripe young adult...so much to live through...
Ahh that's a good thing. I also focused mostly on my work...that's why I hate 0 friends in my class..ahhh... but I ended up with few in my chosen classes. It was like nerds unite sorta thing.
Oh that's good! You always know who you're hanging out with.
Wait was it maybe Ellie? The Ell sounded familiar... They doooo! But I hope Penelope stays forever because she really is true sunshine!
It's fun! Specially if you have alot of umm stickers. Im thinking if I ever get married I wanna make a scrapbook for my spouse *u* of our relationship? It'd be fun to have I think
And yeah! Though the internet or a real pro is the best place to ask for assistance
You'd be pretty safe then :0 they never give up
And ahh I don't ..I think I have a good balance? Uhh probably have alot of blue though...
Ahh I've never really had waffles with anything but uuh jam. *o* but waffles with other stuff sound so gooood.. like ice cream and syrups and ahhh
Ahh ;u; I hope it doesn't change for the worse! Rain can be a nice refreshing thing after many hot days..
Woah that sounds really scary ;A; do you know why that happens???
Woah :0 that's really awesome!!! Go you! The hard years paid off ^^
Yeah I heard that too, bout the milk! Though we did give milk..or well grandma gave milk to the cats a few times...and the dogs and they seemed to be ok ^^ though it wasn't 'all the time or that often so maybe it's not as dangerous is small doses? I remember also my mom uuh giving our first cat condensed milk but..like watered ? Not the sweet kind! Just condensed milk with lots of water... but only when she was a kitten. I think we got her a bit too early ?
Yeah ;u; a young ripe young adult...so much to live through...
Ahh that's a good thing. I also focused mostly on my work...that's why I hate 0 friends in my class..ahhh... but I ended up with few in my chosen classes. It was like nerds unite sorta thing.
Oh that's good! You always know who you're hanging out with.
Wait was it maybe Ellie? The Ell sounded familiar... They doooo! But I hope Penelope stays forever because she really is true sunshine!

Posted in rare, unseen gif of me
Posted 7 years ago
Yes x3 ...specially cats....ahhhh cats :vanora_heart: I wouldn't mind drowning in gifs like these

Posted in Make A Wish, Ruin A Wish
Posted 7 years ago
Granted, but now you don't have any money cause you bought the building
I wish I was better at drawing
I wish I was better at drawing

Posted in Does the AAY make a good couple?
Posted 7 years ago
I think they'd make a wonderful couple~

Posted in Ring or Fling?
Posted 7 years ago
Ring cause we could challange each other in new ways all the time~

Posted in Would you rather?
Posted 7 years ago
why not both Sweet.
Would you rather meet Santa or the Easter Bunny
Would you rather meet Santa or the Easter Bunny

Posted in Why did you marry the aay
Posted 7 years ago
Because they look magical and adorable

Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: woah has inktober come early???? It's still mid-september isn't it ?? but omg thank you it's so cute I will cherish it forever ;u;
Also hello everyone! I will try to be more active here... How are you this week? B)
Also hello everyone! I will try to be more active here... How are you this week? B)

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Ahh sure I'd love to try! I'll add to my list and get to work when I can~

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Oh that's really good! University /College here is like.. free or like really cheap in itself, but the books and living costs money T uT, though we can get quite a bit from the state so out students loans aren't too high.
Ahh that's a good idea..well to get a used book at least...renting a book..Never heard of that o-o
Oh wow that sucks D: i thought libraries would be pretty clean everywhere...
That's true! Still pretty funny how much we have in common though :0
Ahh I do a bit of both... I think it's just really fun if I can manage to figure out stuff before it happens. Like guessing who the killer is in a crime series or a crime book!
Wow..that many ocs... I wonder if I'll get there some day haha.. I can't imagine though... and closed species :0 I've seen only very few , since I don't chill in the adoptable scene so much but they seem pretty cool. Though must be a bit hard to put in a story
Alot of M's :o there are alot of good names that start with M.
Woah it does??? :0 Mine too..I think that's why I struggle naming them outside the K-zone. That's actually a cool name for an OC...K-Zone..
Ah with cats you gotta be more alert... they do the darnest things when you sleep... White noise I've heard helps alot of people, specially people that have uuh the thing with the ringing in ears? But I can't handle that.I can sleep with music but not white noise. Also I think sleep depends on like so many things so it makes sense sometimes it easier and sometimes it's harder
I'd rather avoid kids under 3 years... they're...scary..but tough luck cause my mom just got a baby and if I visit her I'm bound to bump into the baby...
Yeah I hope he retires too... or decides to change careers cause uhh, it's important to take patients seriously and if you can't then...well you can't be a good doctor. There was actually a case here where umm a girl I knew died because a doctor didn't take her too seriously and sent her home even though she was really sick and she ended up dying a few hours later.
Oh my gosh that sounds soo goood *o* we have like the most generic ones here TuT nothing fancy..umm though I do like bubblegum... but found that in once place that closed down so..err.. that's gone. Woah woah ice cream with chocolate covered chips? My mouth waters just thinking about it omg. I totally suggest lemon ice cream. It's like eating a cold sweet lemon? Very nice
Oh wow you have even several paths? That's so cool. I just have one for my ocs... // mainly I know bout Lucy cause she's the only one I've worked most with. I still love those meme things but I can never make good for them so I gave up
Me too ;u; puppers and kittens and bunnies..I can't draw them at all, even with tutorials.
Ahh that's a good idea..well to get a used book at least...renting a book..Never heard of that o-o
Oh wow that sucks D: i thought libraries would be pretty clean everywhere...
That's true! Still pretty funny how much we have in common though :0
Ahh I do a bit of both... I think it's just really fun if I can manage to figure out stuff before it happens. Like guessing who the killer is in a crime series or a crime book!
Wow..that many ocs... I wonder if I'll get there some day haha.. I can't imagine though... and closed species :0 I've seen only very few , since I don't chill in the adoptable scene so much but they seem pretty cool. Though must be a bit hard to put in a story
Alot of M's :o there are alot of good names that start with M.
Woah it does??? :0 Mine too..I think that's why I struggle naming them outside the K-zone. That's actually a cool name for an OC...K-Zone..
Ah with cats you gotta be more alert... they do the darnest things when you sleep... White noise I've heard helps alot of people, specially people that have uuh the thing with the ringing in ears? But I can't handle that.I can sleep with music but not white noise. Also I think sleep depends on like so many things so it makes sense sometimes it easier and sometimes it's harder
I'd rather avoid kids under 3 years... they're...scary..but tough luck cause my mom just got a baby and if I visit her I'm bound to bump into the baby...
Yeah I hope he retires too... or decides to change careers cause uhh, it's important to take patients seriously and if you can't then...well you can't be a good doctor. There was actually a case here where umm a girl I knew died because a doctor didn't take her too seriously and sent her home even though she was really sick and she ended up dying a few hours later.
Oh my gosh that sounds soo goood *o* we have like the most generic ones here TuT nothing fancy..umm though I do like bubblegum... but found that in once place that closed down so..err.. that's gone. Woah woah ice cream with chocolate covered chips? My mouth waters just thinking about it omg. I totally suggest lemon ice cream. It's like eating a cold sweet lemon? Very nice
Oh wow you have even several paths? That's so cool. I just have one for my ocs... // mainly I know bout Lucy cause she's the only one I've worked most with. I still love those meme things but I can never make good for them so I gave up
Me too ;u; puppers and kittens and bunnies..I can't draw them at all, even with tutorials.

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Woah :0 that sounds really coool.. I haven't tried anything like that ...I've tried scrapbooking though ^^
That's true but sometimes like..newbies ask for assistance.. what type of paper should I use, what yarn is best...and so on. I at least ask in shops if I ever ask..
I mean...kinda same? It's like yandere's make interesting characters but I'd....rather avoid those in real life o-o
Ahh you have all the cool kids *o* I'm so jelly... I have a few 5-stars too...err most were made though.. You have like the dream crew though *o* I barely have anyone from Fates
Same here...I just don't want to take any chances you know? and I want happy endings ;u;
Saaammee. I want Azura so bad...why do they keep giving summonings for people I don't care about...I have 150 orbs ready to get someone I looooove
Ahh money just flies out of your wallet.... though waffles sound really good ;)
Yeah it's really nice to curl up in a blanket with cocoa or tea... ahhh makes me want to have cocoa now it's a pretty cold day T u T today... and wow you pass out from the heat? That really sucks D: I totally understand that you'd like cold better in that case
Wow that...that really sucks.. o-o I can't imagine working for free for so long... ; A; I'm glad you survived though! And er..I don't know if 3.8 is good but I think it's good so yay! Though I am glad we have our system where we do get paid TuT
Yeah dogs have bigger stomachs don't they...so if the rice expands it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Well maybe not the small dogs :0 those should be a bit more careful
Yeaah. I mean grapes seem so innocent but actually....are killers... so sad :c
Why oh why must cats be attracted to chocolate... it's so deadly ;A; I hope things went well on your end too.
I finished highschool only two years ago and from what I remember I didn't see any emos..maybe one? And the Kardashian look makes everyone look like copies of each other? It's really scary.
Yaas, a small group of friends is good. Too many can be hard to control. ;u;
Omg saaame. Dr. Reid is just so amazing... :vanora_heart: I don't remember.. the girl before Emily. Was she the one that killed the dude and kinda got fired?
I liked Gideon, but I really adore Rossi... he's.. he's so wise and human. It's amazing
That's true but sometimes like..newbies ask for assistance.. what type of paper should I use, what yarn is best...and so on. I at least ask in shops if I ever ask..
I mean...kinda same? It's like yandere's make interesting characters but I'd....rather avoid those in real life o-o
Ahh you have all the cool kids *o* I'm so jelly... I have a few 5-stars too...err most were made though.. You have like the dream crew though *o* I barely have anyone from Fates
Same here...I just don't want to take any chances you know? and I want happy endings ;u;
Saaammee. I want Azura so bad...why do they keep giving summonings for people I don't care about...I have 150 orbs ready to get someone I looooove
Ahh money just flies out of your wallet.... though waffles sound really good ;)
Yeah it's really nice to curl up in a blanket with cocoa or tea... ahhh makes me want to have cocoa now it's a pretty cold day T u T today... and wow you pass out from the heat? That really sucks D: I totally understand that you'd like cold better in that case
Wow that...that really sucks.. o-o I can't imagine working for free for so long... ; A; I'm glad you survived though! And er..I don't know if 3.8 is good but I think it's good so yay! Though I am glad we have our system where we do get paid TuT
Yeah dogs have bigger stomachs don't they...so if the rice expands it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Well maybe not the small dogs :0 those should be a bit more careful
Yeaah. I mean grapes seem so innocent but actually....are killers... so sad :c
Why oh why must cats be attracted to chocolate... it's so deadly ;A; I hope things went well on your end too.
I finished highschool only two years ago and from what I remember I didn't see any emos..maybe one? And the Kardashian look makes everyone look like copies of each other? It's really scary.
Yaas, a small group of friends is good. Too many can be hard to control. ;u;
Omg saaame. Dr. Reid is just so amazing... :vanora_heart: I don't remember.. the girl before Emily. Was she the one that killed the dude and kinda got fired?
I liked Gideon, but I really adore Rossi... he's.. he's so wise and human. It's amazing

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: haha thank you , and well sorta yeah. I use the same shading style and such ^^ though I use a bit smaller canvas on the commisions

Posted in Gay Art [[ Wait list O P E N ]]
Posted 7 years ago
*backflips in here* Yoooo I would love to do an art trade *u*

Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots!
Posted 7 years ago
@Reanna: Ahhh thank youu ;U; I can finally buy the TV-head