Kjemi's posts
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Exactly! Some people can post some pretty good stuff online.. I can work with both. paper and internet, but I gotta admit it's easier to read on paper! That's why I like reading books on paper rather than e-books or whatever.
Yeah! That's what we've been told as well. Scary like if you accidentally word things alike something online ... Maybe that's just me being paranoid o-o
Yasss I'll post them on uuh TH once I got names and such @u@ ...what can you call a bumblebee oc even... ?
That sounds like alot of fun..not for them but like, makes an interesting story!
I've heard about dragonfruit tea *o* they make great ice teas my friends said. I've never had the fruit or tea.. kinda afraid to cause everyone says it's super sweet!
omg.... ;u; there are always energy drinks for those that want caffeine...err granted they are really sugary too ..
Ahh then you're pretty safe! 2 cups is an okay ammount in my oppinion
Me neither! I just..think it's so logical to do it last? Cause the dust you get off other places falls down and idk... I don't even think I was told to do the floor last ..I just automatically did.
Good that you went to the doctor at least, and good that it's gotten better! @A@ Though isn't it normal to cough if you laugh alot?
Ahh yeah! I think mint was good for stress? I'm not sure... I have these facts in my mind that Im not sure if they are even true
Time to gather a mob with pitchforks and torches and chase that artblock away! You have great art and should be able to draw all you want >u<
Really?? What kind of outfit? :00
Yeah, you can't be their friend. Gotta be a good guide !
Yeah! That's what we've been told as well. Scary like if you accidentally word things alike something online ... Maybe that's just me being paranoid o-o
Yasss I'll post them on uuh TH once I got names and such @u@ ...what can you call a bumblebee oc even... ?
That sounds like alot of fun..not for them but like, makes an interesting story!
I've heard about dragonfruit tea *o* they make great ice teas my friends said. I've never had the fruit or tea.. kinda afraid to cause everyone says it's super sweet!
omg.... ;u; there are always energy drinks for those that want caffeine...err granted they are really sugary too ..
Ahh then you're pretty safe! 2 cups is an okay ammount in my oppinion
Me neither! I just..think it's so logical to do it last? Cause the dust you get off other places falls down and idk... I don't even think I was told to do the floor last ..I just automatically did.
Good that you went to the doctor at least, and good that it's gotten better! @A@ Though isn't it normal to cough if you laugh alot?
Ahh yeah! I think mint was good for stress? I'm not sure... I have these facts in my mind that Im not sure if they are even true
Time to gather a mob with pitchforks and torches and chase that artblock away! You have great art and should be able to draw all you want >u<
Really?? What kind of outfit? :00
Yeah, you can't be their friend. Gotta be a good guide !

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: awwe ;u; I can totally understand how you feel..
Ahhh small places are always more cozy *u* maybe one day they wil return...or some place just as great appears! Maybe a bit cheaper so you could buy more >u<
Well blankets are huge so honestly I'd say you're more advanced than a newbie *o* and omg yess blankets are always useful, even better when cats use it... it just generates that wholesome feeling
That ...would be....so epic... Though your house would be filled with so many plushies haha.. I always admire people that can make things out clay or basically anything that isnt drawing
Woah ...woah since 1899??? that's.. that is super long! that's 118 years?!? Imagine all the animals that have been there...wow. I'm glad they can keep up the good work!
Also its a great idea to go on a zoo date. Tottes suggest it. Ive never done it but it sounds like fun and great memories to be made
Oh wow *o* an online course! Ive only heard of them on the internet, it's not that popular here yet but I'm sure it's gonna be a thing eventually.
so expensive TuT I hope the dog lives a long and happy life. Hopefully one day having healthy pets will be cheap.
He was! I am naturally attracted to sarcastic rough around the edges people as my role models or at least was... cause I was one edgy kid. For the sakes of most people I hope most doctors have his skills but a nice and warm personality. So the patients don't get stressed out
Caffeine caffeine .. do your work, wakey wakey Yuracye! I hope you can hold out until a good time for bed!
Ahhh small places are always more cozy *u* maybe one day they wil return...or some place just as great appears! Maybe a bit cheaper so you could buy more >u<
Well blankets are huge so honestly I'd say you're more advanced than a newbie *o* and omg yess blankets are always useful, even better when cats use it... it just generates that wholesome feeling
That ...would be....so epic... Though your house would be filled with so many plushies haha.. I always admire people that can make things out clay or basically anything that isnt drawing
Woah ...woah since 1899??? that's.. that is super long! that's 118 years?!? Imagine all the animals that have been there...wow. I'm glad they can keep up the good work!
Also its a great idea to go on a zoo date. Tottes suggest it. Ive never done it but it sounds like fun and great memories to be made
Oh wow *o* an online course! Ive only heard of them on the internet, it's not that popular here yet but I'm sure it's gonna be a thing eventually.
so expensive TuT I hope the dog lives a long and happy life. Hopefully one day having healthy pets will be cheap.
He was! I am naturally attracted to sarcastic rough around the edges people as my role models or at least was... cause I was one edgy kid. For the sakes of most people I hope most doctors have his skills but a nice and warm personality. So the patients don't get stressed out
Caffeine caffeine .. do your work, wakey wakey Yuracye! I hope you can hold out until a good time for bed!

Posted in Does the AAY make a good couple?
Posted 7 years ago
Yesss! It'd be super adorable

Posted in Ring or Fling?
Posted 7 years ago
Ring. We could create chaos all over the place and have fun >:3c

Posted in Why did you marry the aay
Posted 7 years ago
Because I feel like I'd be taken to a wonderful magical land *u* and we'd be happy there

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
Beserker! The more you get hit, the harder you hit back!

Posted in Would you rather?
Posted 7 years ago
Cake. I haven't had cake for a long time...now I really want cake...tempted to go to the store and get some.. hnnn
Would you rather watch a sunset or a sunrise?
Would you rather watch a sunset or a sunrise?

Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Probably :0 for those that are creative enough to make adopts.... sobsob. I can't really design characters that well.

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Oh yeah...teachers and profesors are pretty old school,want you to use books. Plus the really lazy people just copy the whole articles...err but that's more highschool people. University will kick you out if you have like 4% that looks like another article?
Omg I feel your struggle...but I just made 2 guy ocs... I made the bumblebee and he's adorable but I just can't think of a name yet.
Giant love traingles ? Oh damn that sounds fun!
Tea is really good all the time *o* so I can tottes understand. And good to hear you can quit. My friend has low iron and coffee is very bad if you're trying to get iron in your body... but she just can't stop drinking it. She has like 4-5 cups a day sometimes. Or did before at least.
I think it makes sense.... ? It's a pick-me up but it doesn't really make you go like a rocket!
I knoow right? I was so shocked and speechless...I couldn't really understand why at first but I was 100% you don't clean the floor first. That is counter-productive...I hope she learns to clean the right way ;u,
Oh wow a month? I had pneumonia once without knowing. I coughed for a month but my friends thought I was dying. It was loud and sounded horrifying so I hope that's not your case.. I'd say go see a doctor, but I imagine it's not cheap ;u;
Ahh yes! Different teas can have different bonus effects. Some teas are good for skin others for tummy aches and so on..
Oh no... bad artblock...shoo shoo you're not needed or wanted here. ... well 2-3 is something! Somehow I always feel more pumped to draw after talking to you haha
Yeah, that's sadly true. "Not under my roof":... If I ever become a parent I'll be chill.
Omg I feel your struggle...but I just made 2 guy ocs... I made the bumblebee and he's adorable but I just can't think of a name yet.
Giant love traingles ? Oh damn that sounds fun!
Tea is really good all the time *o* so I can tottes understand. And good to hear you can quit. My friend has low iron and coffee is very bad if you're trying to get iron in your body... but she just can't stop drinking it. She has like 4-5 cups a day sometimes. Or did before at least.
I think it makes sense.... ? It's a pick-me up but it doesn't really make you go like a rocket!
I knoow right? I was so shocked and speechless...I couldn't really understand why at first but I was 100% you don't clean the floor first. That is counter-productive...I hope she learns to clean the right way ;u,
Oh wow a month? I had pneumonia once without knowing. I coughed for a month but my friends thought I was dying. It was loud and sounded horrifying so I hope that's not your case.. I'd say go see a doctor, but I imagine it's not cheap ;u;
Ahh yes! Different teas can have different bonus effects. Some teas are good for skin others for tummy aches and so on..
Oh no... bad artblock...shoo shoo you're not needed or wanted here. ... well 2-3 is something! Somehow I always feel more pumped to draw after talking to you haha
Yeah, that's sadly true. "Not under my roof":... If I ever become a parent I'll be chill.

Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Natural reaction to be honest ;o; i think most people think of the worst.
It sucks that they shut down but wow....sales....*u* I wish they had them without shutting down. I think there is just one art shop here so that's why it's so expensive.
It's easy to make squares ;u; my grandma could crochet slippers actually but I don't know how... When I was a kid we had to uuh make plushies actually. I think specificall a cat plushy? Like knit it and sew it together...mine...didn't look good.. but I do want to try to make one again *o* they were cute.
Woah that's so awesome *u* it's good that animals get plenty of space to work out and everything.. and of course clean. Ahhh now I really wanna go to a zoo again... I went not that long ago to an aquarium with lots of local fishies... that was nice
Aww ;A; but I understand it must be hard. I have friends with ADD and I've seen them struggle with classes... I hope he can still get where he wants to though!
Oh yeah ;u; some food is relly expensive.. like the food for specific breeds...my mom used to buy specific food for our persian cat but it was like extra expensive *A* sometimes you just gotta take what you can afford, even if it's not the absolute best
Also I probably had the wrong inspiration? I wanted to be a doctor cause of Dr.House...Now that I actually know what doctors do and all that...those people are amazing
Aww ;A; it would be absolutely heartbreaking... I wish we could give homes to all pets
I first read "C'mon pigs" and i was confused bout where that came from but after the 5th time I read it I realized it was pings..not pigs.
Oh yeah with a new job and all it might be a bit hard to keep up with everything ;u; without stressing too much
It sucks that they shut down but wow....sales....*u* I wish they had them without shutting down. I think there is just one art shop here so that's why it's so expensive.
It's easy to make squares ;u; my grandma could crochet slippers actually but I don't know how... When I was a kid we had to uuh make plushies actually. I think specificall a cat plushy? Like knit it and sew it together...mine...didn't look good.. but I do want to try to make one again *o* they were cute.
Woah that's so awesome *u* it's good that animals get plenty of space to work out and everything.. and of course clean. Ahhh now I really wanna go to a zoo again... I went not that long ago to an aquarium with lots of local fishies... that was nice
Aww ;A; but I understand it must be hard. I have friends with ADD and I've seen them struggle with classes... I hope he can still get where he wants to though!
Oh yeah ;u; some food is relly expensive.. like the food for specific breeds...my mom used to buy specific food for our persian cat but it was like extra expensive *A* sometimes you just gotta take what you can afford, even if it's not the absolute best
Also I probably had the wrong inspiration? I wanted to be a doctor cause of Dr.House...Now that I actually know what doctors do and all that...those people are amazing
Aww ;A; it would be absolutely heartbreaking... I wish we could give homes to all pets
I first read "C'mon pigs" and i was confused bout where that came from but after the 5th time I read it I realized it was pings..not pigs.
Oh yeah with a new job and all it might be a bit hard to keep up with everything ;u; without stressing too much

Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: That's fully possible haha....ok so I just looked up lists and there is one called drawlloween! Omg that looks fun *o* there are so many lists....I'm gonna struggle deciding what to go for...

Posted in ✐INKtober ;; CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Omg really? I've seen some all over the place...and well witchtober had stuff like "urban witch" and "wild witch" and "merchant witch":... *u* I think I'm gonna start looking for a few lists and make a custom one for myself...

Posted in Fanfiction
Posted 7 years ago
I don't read alot of fanfiction anymore... haaah but when I did...my guilty pleasure has always been reader-inserts. I like the idea of being a part of the story, or just creating a character that could fit. Otherwise I am always a huge fan of badly written fanfics...my favourite is Heavenly High. It's ..it's a religion/mythology highschool AU. It's really funny and makes me laugh every time. I write some reader-inserts too...err mostly I keep them to myself, but I have a few up on AO3...Mainly I'm writing for Mystic Messenger...cause I love the characters *u*

Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Research is the best thing to do in this situation! Wiki is your best friend...usually... not always
Ahh I barely have any pairings.... // just a bunch of single people ready to mingle. Though the pairings I do have are two straight ones... ^^" that I made like...years ago
Well I can luckily drink tea without having much of a reaction, but coffee, capucinos and all that cause me to react. Ice coffee too TuT and it's so weird but so many people are addicted to coffee o-o It's scary cause coffee can have some positive effects, but there are plenty bad ones too
Yeah! I lived in my school last year, and my roommate...god..she didn't know how to clean at ALL. She'd start with the floor?? And I just...I sat there and was baffled because never in my whole life had I seen anyone start with the floor and then go to the sink and so on...She didn't really know how to wash the mirror at first either.... I did most the cleaning to say the least. I'm glad your fiance learned to do his own laundry haha.
Oh no I hope you'll be okay ;A; it's no fun feeling sick... did the nap help? I almost took one today too cause my internet went out and I was super sleepy... Oh! If you have camomille tea is good for nausea! Or anything related to your stomach. Even period cramps.
200 chibis....but I know how you feel...I've thought the same thing and I've strated like...20 times..but only draw like 2 of them.. TuT ahh I really should try again sometime. Get like a front and back view. *adds to a list so long it doesn't even have an end* But I'd love to see all those 200 chibis if you ever do them!
That's so sad ;A; I am kinda glad my parents don' care. I think my mom was a bit baffled but she let me do it and even helped search for dye. I hope when your mom retires she can dye her hair in any colour she wants *u*
They're the crazy ones if you ask me!
Ahh I barely have any pairings.... // just a bunch of single people ready to mingle. Though the pairings I do have are two straight ones... ^^" that I made like...years ago
Well I can luckily drink tea without having much of a reaction, but coffee, capucinos and all that cause me to react. Ice coffee too TuT and it's so weird but so many people are addicted to coffee o-o It's scary cause coffee can have some positive effects, but there are plenty bad ones too
Yeah! I lived in my school last year, and my roommate...god..she didn't know how to clean at ALL. She'd start with the floor?? And I just...I sat there and was baffled because never in my whole life had I seen anyone start with the floor and then go to the sink and so on...She didn't really know how to wash the mirror at first either.... I did most the cleaning to say the least. I'm glad your fiance learned to do his own laundry haha.
Oh no I hope you'll be okay ;A; it's no fun feeling sick... did the nap help? I almost took one today too cause my internet went out and I was super sleepy... Oh! If you have camomille tea is good for nausea! Or anything related to your stomach. Even period cramps.
200 chibis....but I know how you feel...I've thought the same thing and I've strated like...20 times..but only draw like 2 of them.. TuT ahh I really should try again sometime. Get like a front and back view. *adds to a list so long it doesn't even have an end* But I'd love to see all those 200 chibis if you ever do them!
That's so sad ;A; I am kinda glad my parents don' care. I think my mom was a bit baffled but she let me do it and even helped search for dye. I hope when your mom retires she can dye her hair in any colour she wants *u*
They're the crazy ones if you ask me!