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Posted in I'M BLUE da ba dee da ba di Posted 5 years ago

Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Click to get this song stuck in your head for ten years. LOL
still love this song


I was dyeing someone's hair and... well. It was a mess. RIP
I look like something from Avatar. lol

@DevilkinBoi: Food cravings suck. Especially for stuff you can't get. =_=;;
All I want right now is kirin afternoon milk tea and some smooth red bean mochi. (served chilled, since it's hot)

@DevilkinBoi: Sometimes the hunting around can be fun, too. :3

@DevilkinBoi: But at least your other family members aren't the same way.
So you know that it's her, not you.
*sends all of the hugs*

@DevilkinBoi: Yeah, that is seriously shitty of her. UGH, she just sounds so toxic.
I feel that, believe me. I live with someone similar enough in notion.
I would totally have a move-out party for both of us if I could. XD
Toxic people should be tossed out like spoiled milk from the fridge, I swear. :/
They can only do harm, no good.

@xvz: Mostly a lot of cute pastel designs, but also some vibrant colorful ones. :3
Eventually, I hope to make some darker designs, as well.

@DevilkinBoi: Are you okay, though? You're not hurt, at least? D:
Wowww.... your family kind of dropped the ball there, if I may say. That's shitty. D:
I send alllll of the hugs.

@DevilkinBoi: Oh, hey! How goes it? :3

@xvz: Right now I have orders out for hoodies, jogger pants, leggings,
a flowy dress (not for me), some face masks, buttons, and a few different bags.
(since i'm not sure which kind I like better)

LOL RIP my wallet

@Wildfire: Thank you! It was a long-term goal, that quarantine helped me reach. :3
Otherwise I would never have had enough time at once to work toward it.

How are you doing today? :3

@Wildfire: Trying to buff up the handmade side of my store, while I wait for the custom printed clothing samples to come in.
@xvz: Then it will be taking stock photos, and BAM! Store open. :3

People make fun of Etsy stores, but it's a lot of work.

@Wildfire: Otherwise pretty okay. I've been trying to pour myself into crafting.

@xvz: Hello there! :3 and thank you <3

Hello there, everyone. I hope you're all well.
My stomach is killing me, so I came in here for some distraction. x_x;;

@DevilkinBoi: Hopefully your boss will give you what you need soon.
It sucks when your whole project is waiting up on just one thing.

@Wildfire: Thank you! And happy 4th to you, as well. :3

I am crafting for my shop today. :3
But then I ran out of trim with about an inch left of something. RIP. x_x;; Oh well.

@DevilkinBoi: Aww ;_; My head sympathizes with your back.
*sends hugs*

How you doing otherwise, bud? D: