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Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: I sounded outraged,
but honestly I was just curious since my mom's feet have their whole own problems XDD;;
Feet are weird.

@DevilkinBoi: I know, right? I think they're back in style now, though. I'm seeing a lot of legwarmers, too.
*totally not shamelessly searching for armwarmers now LOL*

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: Yeah, it does seem to run in families. I have a carbon copy of my dad's feet, for sure.
I stood right next to him and looked down, and went "OMG IT WAS YOU" XDD;;;
and he like skittered away xDD;;

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@TomYum: Might not wanna do that. I've been told it's a pretty long drop. XD

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@DevilkinBoi: I'm purposely typing a lot as exercise, since I'm trying to warm my stiff arm muscles up.
Taking a hot shower helps super tons, as well. :3

Where are those super edgelord fuzzy arm warmers people had in high school when you need em, right? XDD;;

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: Yup. Flat feet suck.
What's worse, is that people recommend me shoes with huge arch support when they hear about it,
but I can't wear them since there is actually BONE in that spot, and it KILLSSSSSSS. ;_;

Like flat feet aren't just flat and squishy, that shit sh** is bone structure, too. x_x;;

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@DevilkinBoi: Aww! Are you felling okay now, though? D:

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, it sucks. I have super skinny arms to begin with just ordinarily, so this was pretty painful. Bleh. :/
Yay for hopefully not noodly arms one day! \o/ XDDD;;

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I have some tiny weights I can use, as well as some BCAA's.
Hopefully that will curb the soreness. Oof.

@sunny: Yeahhhh, that was the super scary part.
Pretty sure I would have been knocked out, at the very least.

Sorry my replies aren't that long, guys. Typing with noodle arms is hilarious XD;;
Me right now:

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

@decomposer: Ooof, big mood there. Yay for the Tripping Over Nothing club! XDD;;

@DevilkinBoi: Yeahhh, I swear cats do it on purpose sometimes. Jerks. XD;;
(At least I think Loki is your cat? Sh**... maybe it's a dog FML)

@LilMissKushy: Ouch. The thing is, I walk better in platforms than I do typical shoes.
Probably something to do with the fact that I have SUPER flat feet. RIP

@Shark: Owww, landing on your butt is the worst. x_x;;
Also, your current avatar is adorable, btw. :3

@Totalanimefan: HELLA sore, but yeah, I think so. My arms are pretty damned useless at this point, though.
They have like NO strength and are all shaky and weird. Almost dropped my coffee! DDD:

@Runner Available: Ohh, I feel it. XD Probably nothing long-lasting, though. :3

@sunny: Yeah, it was mostly scary since I landed about an inch from a huge concrete slab. Yikes.

Posted in Ouch. Posted 5 years ago

.... Közi fall down, go boom. XD;;

I went SPLAT in my yard, falling hard on my wrists. Nothing busted, as far as I can tell. But OHHHH MAN am I sore. All the way up to my neck. Ughhh.


Anyone here fall down because of something stupid?
Your cat maybe? Or a rug?
Or, like me, maybe a section of plastic chicken wire? Lol. Fml.

OHHHH, boy. XDD;;

@Hazer: It brings all the boys to the yard

@xvz: Yeah sorry, that link was mad busted so I deleted it. XDD;;

@Hazer: hey bby you slurp that shake oh yeah

@Another Movie Addict: Mmm yeah, the kimchi kind is super good, too. :3
I only see it for sale in one place around here, though, and haven't gone there since the plague started. XD;;

....Okay, so I looked. XDD;;;
The only thing spicy in my house right now are some absolutely bomb Korean spicy seafood instant noodles by Nong Shim.
Totally recommend their spicy seafood flavour. :3
Throw in some green onions, mushrooms, or a fried egg
(and a plop of sour cream if you're not keen in tearing your stomach a new one with the spicy)

why do i really only get posting whenever people talk about food? RIP