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@Another Movie Addict: Ohhh man, curry is some good sh**.
Mmm, now I want curry.
I only like yellow curry, usually with seafood or duck, but even then I kick it up with a little bit of Szechuan-style hot oil.

but ohhhh man, so good.

@xvz: For snuggling, I've been glommed onto my huge purple Squisheen plush.

That thing is MASSIVE.


and I just sdfdrtyhrtyuiyuiu

@xvz: I surround myself with them to help feel happy. It works decently well, for the most part.
At least, as much as it can, bearing the circumstances.

@Another Movie Addict: Awww ;_; is there no way to fix him? D:
I've been a plushie surgeon for a long time, both for myself and lots of my little relatives. XD
My nephew was an absolute beast with his stuffed animals, ugh. =_=;;

@xvz: I mostly have them on display, since I don't want to wreck them.
There are a few, though, that are meant for cuddling, like neck and body pillows, and i use those. :3

Awesome avatar, by the way! :3

@xvz: Yes... I have a disturbing amount of plushies. XDD;;
The list would be super, super long. >_>;;
Lots of alpacas, Pusheens, various Japanese ones, and some domestic ones as well.
It's kind of a problem. XDD;;;

Posted in I got some new house plants today Posted 5 years ago

@xvz: Wasn't it the breath you exhale that they use? I figured it was something like that.
That might be an outdated notion, though. Who knows. XD;;

Kawaii stuff is the best stuff. XD

@Crystalkitsune85: Ooooof. Yeah, it can be super hard if your kid only wants certain things.
After a while, you have to cave in or they won't take in anything at all.
My friend's son has severe autism, and will literally only eat mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets from McDonald's, and koolaid. Ugh.
Lord knows what his dental and digestive systems will look like.

The things about stuff appearing when you lie, is usually what your parents tell you so that you fess up to it. XD;;;
My grandma used to say things like that about getting zits, loose eyelashes, or warts on your fingers.

@Ariella74: Well, you're in the right place!
My house is slowly being overtaken by cute things. They're just so cheerful.
Why types of cute things do you like?

Posted in I got some new house plants today Posted 5 years ago

@Kay: Awww, plant babies

I got myself some new babies too, but these ones are tomato babies.
Not sure what is the matter with them, though. They don't seem to be thriving. ;_;

The only one I can think of is that when I was super little, like "pouring your cereal milk on your own as a new thing" little, that if the faster I poured the milk in, it would magically use less milk. XDD;;;

I was a big milk drinker as a kid. It got pretty expensive there for a while, and I got scolded for drinking it all constantly.
But my bones are ROCK SOLID, my dudes.

milk is still the best, i love dis milks

Posted in Something positive today Posted 5 years ago

☆ Work extended my at-home leave for at least another two weeks, hopefully.
(I work closer to a city with way more confirmed cases, so this is good news!)

☆ Got a product sample back for my Etsy store! FINALLY
(Lots of postal delays, but what can you do)

☆ I currently have coffee and a snacc

That I'm actually not at work for! ;_; omggggggg

@Another Movie Addict: Yeahhh, this whole plague situation really shows some people's true nature, unfortunately. :/
It also shows you who the good people are, though. :3