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@Another Movie Addict: Back again. XD
And yeah, my chair often gets stolen by my cat, who becomes a donut on it. :3

@Another Movie Addict: Aww, what a cute new look! :3

@Another Movie Addict: Sounds great, sign me up. XD;;
Sleeping has always been a big issue to me, ever since "puberty." LOL
I wake up super easily and never feel secure enough to properly sleep. :/

@Another Movie Addict: I just mostly use things like melatonin, or ZzzQuil if it's particularly bad for a few days in a row.

@Another Movie Addict: Ahh, yeah. It takes me ages to fall asleep, personally.
Unless I take something for it.

@Another Movie Addict: Yes, you are. Did you sleep well?

Posted in I'm finally done..... Posted 5 years ago

@Frossy: GOOD JOB FROSBIRB :vreg-celebrate:

So proud

Hey there, guys! :3
Got my snacc and my coffee, all good to go.
How goes it with everyone?

Posted in Date Unlocked: Io the Oracle Posted 5 years ago


*squeals in an unmanly fashion*

Posted in Let's Ruin Vibrance Day (Roll For Free Art) Posted 5 years ago

I was browsing the arts and got to Lin/Io and just about died of nosebleeds

don't answer that

@Another Movie Addict: I like the pixel devil kitties in your sig. :3

@DevilkinBoi: Hey there! :3 How are you doing?

@Another Movie Addict: Oh, that's edgy! (Your post format not the tornado lol)
Stay safe!!

@dragoness129: Heya! How goes it? :3

Posted in I made bubble tea from scratch! :3 Posted 5 years ago

@PurpdaBurpPurp: There are some stores here, but they are very boring.

Posted in I made bubble tea from scratch! :3 Posted 5 years ago

@PurpdaBurpPurp: You might be better off, I buy everything online since I live pretty remotely. XD;;