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Posted in Alexis's Garage Sale (B/S/T) Posted 5 years ago
@Alexis: thank you for buying :D
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@mizuie: aww how nice =) did she make the birth well =)? i bet the baby is cute as hell *____*
sounds tasty! =) i stay with my sage tea this surprisingly helps really well with my sore throat!
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: not a problem i endet up never use it =) and i have a really bad sore thrat and my nose if filled with wierd snot xD otherwise i feel okay =) thats you almost over it =)) my sister in law also gets the cold and a friend of mine too! its just like the autumn grudge XD
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: yeah its like the cold gets everyone atm xDD! and yeah it should be that way but it just is like it is....
Posted in My Avi... Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: no its still fighting not to get shut down.... but i think it will shut down anytime soon
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: i did the same thing ^^ my dad is caring but he respects my space iam so appricate this....! as i was a teenager my mom almost get a mental breakdown because i came in with black nailpolish my friend made me on my nails.... this was the point i told me that i never would be like my mom
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: okay this sucks but my mom was that way too.....
Posted in Bella needs her stuff! Posted 5 years ago
updated! i need to give this place more love though XD
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: yeah moments are okay but at least if you feel better from time to time its nice =) and it will get better from yeahr to year. this is my expirience. and if you have hard to handle ppl around you you need to make your own space and get a little more distance between you and them.... not complete distance but a bit
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: sounds like a plan after my 3 months hospital i had this too for another yeahr and it was kinda fun! and yeah i think he will understand you better after all! you feel better about your mental health now?
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: awww i see thats bad. as i had my mental break down they bring me in the emergency room.... i stay there for like an entire night and after that i needet to stay 3 months in a sanatarium but it helpes me alot and i hope your brother get the same amount of help =))
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: thank you its actually me being sick because iam sick xDDD and yeah its really bad.... or murder rate rises, our rape rate rises. many women get molested by them. even our population is going back because they came in and get a bunch of babies here that they may stay here..... not every refugee is that way there are really nice one out there but the most are just rude
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: oh so not you personally? what are his symptoms? you have just doctors in hospitals right? and if you need to wait this long its not an emergency for them
Posted in Ima Just Be A Potato Now Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: oh dear 4 hours is even normal for germany and we have a nice healthcare =) why you gone there =O??