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Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Colin: yes i still got them so pls send over a trade :D
@Tsundererra: ohh in germany the customers are rude and spoiled as well..... you go somewere because you want something from a person.......... but everything you do is bragging about.... i dont understand such ppl!

yes thats because moms should always be treasured!
my kitty is kneeding herself in a deep sleep atm its too cute i didnt even want to pet her because idont want to disturb this *_*
@Tsundererra: yes i could show you why but well you dont wanna see this xDDD you dont want to work as a cosmetic anymore =O? and well physiotherapists even refuse to massage you because it can start the labor early. the body in pregnancy is a wierd fragile but strong miracle xD
@Tsundererra: dear iam happy i already got pregnancy friendly heartburn meds xDDD the only thing i can take without a problem are my psychotropics because they didnt pass the blood barrier of the umbilical cord

ohhhh and no i dint read it yet do you? is it okax??
@Tsundererra: okay yes this item is really adorable :D but iam sure someone else will have more fun with it than me ^^
@Tsundererra: no dear medicine is a rare thing in pregnancy XD for my luck its pretty chilly! i will check the background on voltraland again! and card captor sakura was the first manga i ever read :D
@Tsundererra: yes hot flashes! thats totally normal for a fat hungry woman though xD oh i dont notice the missing finger its just not my cup of tea though.... the magical mystery is the prettiest of these three though
@Tsundererra: first OMG i have my first heat wave and second i dont like voltracon tbh >_<
@Tsundererra: i cant get intristed if i never saw it though dear :D i will look it up
IO is just to adorable to be true! who could not love him >w<
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Alethna: thank you we will see what times bring ^^
@Tsundererra: really i never saw this item though =O *rubs chin* yeah its better to save bouncer up!
@Tsundererra: voltracon??? yesh i just get just one bouncer (i keep this is fancy as hell unless someone is trading something i want for it)
@Tsundererra: shhhhh i get so many voltra lands and mysthic magicals....... but i always sell them because i dont like them =/