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Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: nice they are pretty =D!!
i saw a advertisment for a product that shouldnt excist XDD a minisewing mashine wich fits in your purse..... i just cant imagine that this thing can work!
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i think i had too but and maybe in some months i will have that too but not yet ^^
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: do this =) i dont know if i want to fancy up my profile :D iam happ like it is XD
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yeah show me :D
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: chicken soup is standing besides me xD how are you today???
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i did and i drank sage tea.... i hate the taste of it xDDD
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
@Mimgu: thank you!!! =)

@Kozi: i tried with the slee but we have workers at home they work directly under my sleeping room..... my room was vibrating!
Posted in First tea than coffee. Posted 5 years ago
and you know youre sick xD oh man i have a bad cold. the weekend was to stressfull and cold though!
chat with the sick Bibi me pls!
@Gay Space Trash: it gets better but just with help and maybe a good medication (my expirience) i had 4 years almost 5 years of psychotherapie and a really good medication. now after 8 years i finally feel stable in life. 5 to 8 years is a long time but i have 3 superior mental ilnesses that are difficult to treat so maybe for you it dont will take this long as soon you go to a psychotherapist! =)
Posted in Alexis's Garage Sale (B/S/T) Posted 5 years ago
@Alexis: sounds 13k fair to you :D?
Posted in So much pain! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: yeah i will breastfeeding but just half a yeahr because i think this is the right time for me and my baby :D
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: yeah diffrent culture can be nice ^^ here in germany we have many problems with refugees =/ unfortunatly many dont know how behave in a country that saved thyre live
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: oh i like a good german beer as well :D as metalhead you will get picky with your beer ;D and i love how green the part of germany is where i live. we ave many woods and nature spots =) but i really dont like the german cooking xDD do you have favorit parts about where you life??
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: its a capitalism game with the human health! *shakes head*
iam from germany ^^