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Posted in Selling DI's - Buying DI's Posted 5 years ago
@star2000shadow: may i pls buy the frogprince?
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: thats a good thing there should be Open everything!
Posted in Hey, I'm new! Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: nice thing! I loved ernya now i love voltra i just joined 3 weeks ago too but ist great!!
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: you buy food before or after this holliday :)
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: well its just a day we all have freetime:)))
Posted in Hey, I'm new! Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: yes iam from ernya :)))
Posted in Hey, I'm new! Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: Welcome to voltra! Just Chat and you will see how things work!
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: daaaw thats right just ask me next Time if you drive to germany
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: no i dont think so
Posted in We drove all the way for nothing Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes we have "tag der Deutschen Einheit" i could tell you this
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@Lufi: thats the Problem ist a danger you cant see
@Tsundererra: yeah Lilly ja truly an angel.... mittens and felicia are like that but just I never get bitten from these two xD
Posted in Voltra's 2nd Anniversary! [RAFFLE DONE!] Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: haha yes :))
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@Lufi: thats also really Bad for the enviroment!